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EXPEDITE ▇▇▇▇ VOLUME TWO━━ ❛ 𝒂 𝒅𝒐𝒐𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌 ❜

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chapter no. 040!


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     JULIAN ALBERT WASN'T AS BAD AS BARRY HAD MADE HIM OUT TO BE. In fact, he was quite the sweetheart and charmer, but maybe the redhead only thought that because she was a sucker for British accents.

     The date had gone well so far.

     The two had spent most of it getting to know each other and talking about random things. It was quite relaxing and refreshing for Piper. She was always surrounded by the craziness of her life and her friend's jobs. Meta-humans, villains, saving the city, playing hero, and protecting those she cared about. Ever since 2010, Piper had never felt like a normal person again, until tonight.

     Talking and being around Julian was refreshing, and he treated her as if she were a normal person. He knew nothing about her past, her mistakes, or her life, which made everything better. She had a clean slate with somebody who saw her as Piper Lita. Not Piper "the Hero of Caruthers City" or "Expedite, the Fastest Woman Alive" Lita.

     Julian simply saw her as a cytologist that worked at S.T.A.R. Labs.

     Nothing more, nothing less.

     "So, why haven't I ever seen you at S.T.A.R. Labs before?" Julian inquired, taking a sip of his water.

     Going off the first thing that popped into her mind, Piper answered. "In May, a very close family friend of mine passed away. After I attended the funeral, I wasn't exactly in the best mindset. I don't have a lot of family so experiencing any sort of loss is a big thing for me, and I decided to take a couple of months off work until I was fully ready to come back and be able to focus solely on my job and those around me."

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