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EXPEDITE ▇▇▇▇ VOLUME ONE━━ ❛ 𝒖𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒙𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒈𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒇 ❜

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chapter no. 023!


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     IT WAS QUIET IN THE CORTEX AS CAITLIN LOOKED OVER THE MRI SCANS, HER EYES NARROWING AS SHE JOTTED DOWN HER CONCLUSIVE OBSERVATIONS. It was early in the morning as the redheaded speedster slept soundlessly in the room over. Glancing at the clock, Caitlin sighed and continued scribbling down her findings. Sets of footsteps traveled from down the hall and into the room, both Cisco and Barry walking in.

     "Do you ever go home?" Cisco retorted, placing a bag and coffee from Jitters in front of the brunette.

     Caitlin shrugged. "I do, but Piper's current state of being is more important than sleep."

     Barry glanced at the side room before looking back at Caitlin. "What did the MRI and test results conclude?" he asked, taking a gulp of coffee.

     Pulling out a crisp manila folder from underneath a stack of papers and x-rays, the brunette opened it up and handed it to him. "There was no DNA trace on her body from the man in yellow. Not even a fiber from his suit." Caitlin spoke, nodding to the results Barry and Cisco were reading.

     "How is that possible? Harry said their blood was on the rag." Cisco mentioned, glancing up briefly.

     "Harry assumed. With how much blood she lost due to her injuries, it would be reasonable to say that some of the blood wasn't hers." Caitlin responded, clasping her hands together. "When it comes to the MRI scans, it shows a fracture running from the T1-T5 interspace where the thoracic nerves are." The two watched as she pointed to the x-ray of Piper's spine on the table. "The proximal phalanges in her right index, middle, and ring finger were slightly dislocated, but with her healing capabilities, they should be completely healed up within the next hour. Now, as you can see here, she has three fractured ribs. Combined with her spinal injuries, this will make it harder for her to breathe. Adding to that, there is a complete dislocation of the temporomandibular joint. Once she wakes up, I'll have to pop her jaw back into place for it to heal fully."

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