⠀⠀𝟰𝟱. ❛ GOOD VS. EVIL ❜

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━━ ❛ 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒗𝒔. 𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 ❜

 𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 ❜

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chapter no. 045!


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     SOME PEOPLE ARE BORN GOOD AND NATURALLY FIGHT OFF THE BAD. Some people are born evil and naturally fight off the good or blossom into goodness through great effort. Others are born in the light yet stumble blindly into the pit of the unknown, murky blackness. And others are born into darkness and can never find the light.

     People could deny it all they want, but everyone falls into one of those categories.

     Were you an angel or a demon? Are you good or bad? Light or dark?

     The response to those questions is difficult to muster, mainly because no one wants to admit the truth because if they do, that makes the answer real. Concrete.

     Maybe that was why it took everything in her to suppress the answer. She didn't want to accept that she was no longer good. That she had turned bad. Evil.

     Every inch of her knew it. She didn't doubt that the good, humble, kind Piper Lita was gone for good. All she felt was anger and hatred. Before, it was toward the man in silver and blue, but now, the redhead found it contaminating everything else in her life.

     Everything made her angry. Even the slightest brush of the wind or the tiniest of inconveniences. Everything angered her, and the fact that everything did only added more fuel to the fire. She was no longer in control of anything. It felt like she was living in a never-ending nightmare that chilled her to the bone. There was no exit or plan of attack that she could execute that would allow her to escape the madness that swallowed up her lungs. There was no end and no beginning. She was trapped, standing there in the dark of the night, swimming in the emptiness of yesterday.

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