⠀⠀𝟮𝟳. ❛ GHOST OF YOU ❜

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━━ ❛ 𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ❜

EXPEDITE ▇▇▇▇ VOLUME ONE━━ ❛ 𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ❜

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chapter no. 027!


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     IT HAD ONLY BEEN A WEEK, BUT THE ONCE PALE AND GLOWING COMPLEXION WAS NOW AN ASHEN GREY, WITHERING AWAY AS PURPLE FLOWERS LINED THE SIDES OF HER THIGHS. Unlike real flowers, these were long and paper-thin yet shot arrows of pain through her heart when touched. Darker ones were scattered across her torso. They swirled with a deep blue that, when looked at closely, resembled the color of the skies on a sunny day. Her eyes were a smoky brown, mirroring the single lightbulb that hung from the ceiling above.

     Every few minutes, the lights in the basement would flicker out for a moment before snapping back to life in a way she felt she would never be able to.

     There were days when she felt as if every ounce of hope she had was being stripped away, leaving her bare to the bone. The veil of death trickled behind her as she was snatched away from reality and to the depths of the black nothingness that consumed her surroundings. Every time they laid a hand on her, reality would snap back into order. Forcing her to leave the head-space she'd created to keep her sane.

     Until Zoom was done conquering Earth-One, Piper Lita would remain on her home planet in Brenner Labs. And she would be everybody's favorite punching bag.

     Athena had made it blatantly clear to Jeremiah and Zakai that they could do whatever they wanted to the purple speedster after they got back from Earth-Two. There was only one rule: Piper must always remain in pain and alive. If she was weak, she couldn't escape. If she was weak, combined with malnutrition and dehydration, her speed would slow down and hinder itself as useless. It would take longer for her to heal and harder for her body to keep itself running.

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