⠀⠀𝟯𝟭. ❛ MAD WOMAN ❜

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EXPEDITE ▇▇▇▇ VOLUME TWO━━ ❛ 𝒎𝒂𝒅 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 ❜

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chapter no. 031!


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     SAVING THE WORLD WAS MORE OF A CONCEPT CREATED BY HUMANKIND RATHER THAN AN ACTUALITY. The changes and sacrifices needed to save a world are more than expected. It was a slow process. Filled with the evolution of people and meta-humans.

     Every move made was an implication of the virtuous cycle theory. Sudden changes weren't an option because that meant that they could easily be unraveled. Steady and sedated changes had to be made. Those changes were permanent, and that was what Earth-Four needed.

     Permanent changes.

     And that was what they received.

     The way things turned out was bizarre and unforeseen. No one would have guessed that their beloved speedster that mysteriously disappeared over a year ago would reappear and kill the threat that had been looming over their shoulders for years.

     Expedite had never been a killer.

     She always believed that even the bad guys didn't deserve to have their lives taken away. Nobody deserved to be killed, regardless of whatever choices they'd made. However, those morals didn't apply on May twenty-sixth. Expedite had to do what was required to save the world. A permanent change. The change the world needed.

     The moment the impact of boots on gravel hit, the purple speedster knew that they'd made it. A bundle of yellow and red tumbled from her arms and to the ground, rolling over before coming to a complete stop. Stashing the extrapulator into her pocket, she slid her mask on quickly before anyone saw her.

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