Maximum Trouble!

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A few minutes later, they had landed at the entrance of the observatory. It was a huge, white dome shaped building. 

"So what'd we come here for?" Iggy asked. Tilting her head curiously, Azalea looked at Iggy. 

"To look at the-" she paused, "Oh yeah." 

Iggy frowned at first and then began to laugh, getting what she just realized. 

"I can see," Iggy smiled, "Sort of." 

Azalea blushed, embarrassed, and walked into the breezy observatory. They climbed the stairs before reaching the roof. 

"Why couldn't we have just flown up here?" Iggy scowled. 

"Azalea likes looking at the new equipment and the pictures." Freya said, holding Iggy's hand as she helped him up the stairs. Iggy frowned a bit but said nothing as the cool air from above greeted his face. Fang helped Azalea up and they all now faced an even more starry sky than when they were coming here. 

"How is this possible?" Fang asked, his eyes glued to the breathtaking sight. 

"It's because we're away from all the city lights and pollution and such." Azalea noted quietly. Fang nodded as Azalea layed down on the ground to the roof, tucking in her wings a bit and wriggling to lay comfortably. Fang sat between Iggy and Azalea, And Freya on the other side of Iggy. 

"It's so amazing." Freya whispered. Fang glanced around, and on Freya's face was a genuine smile. His eyes drifted towards the brunette girl, an identical one plastered on to it. The dark haired teen smiled and relaxed. He closed his eyes, enjoying the silence for the first time in a while. Fang had almost been half asleep when suddenly, Azalea flew up and uncurled her wings and got in an alert stance. Freya's blue eyes shot open as she too became alert, awaiting a report for Azalea. After a few moments, Azalea's golden eyes stared fiercely at Freya, who nodded and stood up, hurling her wings out as well. Fang understood at once; Trouble was brewing. He began to stand, but a quick motion from Freya made him stop. 

"Don't. What we're going to do is going to be quick." Azalea said, looking down at Fang. 


"Its a sound thing. What Aza is trying to say is she doesnt want a fight, she wants something quick while they're still farther away so that nothing happens to the observatory." Freya said, reading Azalea's emotion clearly. Fang looked back towards Azalea, who nodded. Fang sat down, defeated. Who knew anyone could win such a silently fought battle against the King of Silence himself? 

Freya walked to one end of the building, while Azalea walked to the other. At first, Fang thought they were just waiting until he realized his highly trained ears picking up a small series of what sounded like clicking. Azalea had her hands cupped on the sides of her mouth, using echolocation to place the exact place. After she heard nothing, she turned the opposite direction and did the same. This direction was a direct hit. Azalea pointed to the exact place the sound bounced off and just before the Flyboys swarmed them all, Freya jumped and flew up. 

"Now it's MY turn to tell you to plug your ears." Azalea said in a monotone voice. At first Fang didn't understand until the Flyboys began to come and Freya let out a loud, terrifying sound that sound like something between a screech and an intense scream. Fang plugged his ears and watched as she stood their until all the Flyboys started to slowly just drop to the ground far below and explode upon contact on the ground. Freya frowned as something else came her way: A fist. Azalea watched as Freya became furious. 

"Uh Oh!" Azalea's mind screamed 

It was quick, not even Fang caught all of it, but Azalea did, and she flung herself off the side of the Observatory and flew up to Freya, who was battling something--No, someone--. Freya quickly and expertly gripped the person by the neck, flipped them, and threw he or she down to the roof of the observatory. As person hit the ground with a sickening thud, Freya and Azalea flew down to a wide eyed Fang. The person was unconscious now, and upon further contact, Fang was staring at a very familiar light haired girl. 

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