Look before you leap

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After a few days, Fang found himself wandering around and constantly finding Azalea. Today was no different, except this time, he knew she would be in the place he was going to. He walked back through the familiar glass doors and up the twisting metal stairs. But instead of Azalea, he found Mirette on the top floor amongst the butterflies. 

"Hello Fang," the young girl exclaimed, "Did you come to play today?" 

"Actually I don't really know what I came here for, but sure, I'll 'play' I guess." Fang shrugged. 

"Ohhh I get it," Mirette smiled, twirling and shooing the butterflies into a huge colorful cloud, "You're looking for Aza." 

Fang shrugged once more and kneeled next to Mirette. 

"Azalea isn't here today, she didn't come to play today, she's with Kezi. They're doing a raid." Mirette answered with a tiny frown. 

"I see. How come you never come in the house?" Fang wondered. 

"I prefer it here. It was made for me." Mirette said, answering the question without even so much as a blink. 

"Oh." Fang mouthed. 

"It's because the mutation I have makes me sick." Mirette said, sitting down to face Fang. Her olive green eyes were pained. 

"What do you mean, If you don't mind me asking?" Fang said. Mirette pulled up the sleeve to her purple shirt and revealed her arm, which was filled with small scars and dots from what Fang assumed were where needles were once inserted. 

"I-I'm not supposed to exsist, Daddy and Mommy say, I was an accident experiment that the School couldn't dispose of." Mirette said, tugging on one of her dark pigtails. 

"Your father told you that?" Fang said, surprised. Mirette nodded and looked down. 

"When Xander wasn't bad and Azalea was normal, Mommy and Daddy didn't ever have time to look after me. Azalea and Freya were always with me, playing with me, feeding me, taking me fun places.. And then one day, I woke up from a nap and Aza and Xander weren't there anymore. Mommy came in and told me that my Daddy and Aza's Daddy are using Xander and Aza for experiments now, and Aza wouldn't be able to play anymore because she was going to have to start working for the School now." Mirette said as she began to pluck soft petals from a nearby flower. Fang looked up, his eyes were wide. 

"What about Freya?" Fang asked, trying to keep his anger down. It made his blood boil that someone would do this to an innocent child. 

"At first, Mommy said Freya couldn't play anymore because Xander killed her during a test. But one night, when everyone in the house was sleeping, Freya snuck in to tell me she was okay. She managed to escape Daddy's cages.. and she said that in one month she would come back," Mirette nodded, "On the night she was supposed to come back, I snuck Aza out because I was scared and I wanted her with me when Frey came. When Freya finally did come, she told Aza that Aza should leave. Aza refused to leave without me and Freya told her she already thought it through and I would be leaving too." Mirette said, looking up and recalling the not too long ago memory. 

"I see." Fang nodded. Mirette traced the grass with her fingers. 

"Then, two days later, Freya came to my room at the lab and took me out. She told me to run and find Aza, she said to do it quick. I did, I freed Azalea from her cage. Then as we were leaving, Xander blocked our exit. His eyes.. knows he was trying to.. to.." Mirette's eyes began to water.  

"To fight it." a voice said from behind Fang and Mirette. Fang turned around and saw Azalea, with a bag full of fruit. Azalea set the bag down and walked over. She kneeled down, sitting next to Fang, and scooped Mirette into arms. Azalea rocked her back and forth and Fang sat their quietly. The Bat waited until little Mirette had cried herself out and fell asleep before she turned to Fang. 

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