Chapter 1 - His Offer

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Rejected, once again. You let out a big sigh as you exited the building. This was your third interview of the month and you thought this time it would be a success. Even though they complimented your outfit, which you made yourself, they didn't think you'd be good enough to style their idols. You held your giant folder of designs in one arm and began walking home. Well it won't be your home any longer because you haven't paid the rent in 3 months and the landlord is on the verge of kicking you out any day now. You dragged your feet with every step, eyes looking down. You bumped into a few people, and mumbled your apologies. The sun was just beginning to set, it settled behind some skyscrapers. Your feet led you to the intersection. Cars moved without hesitations. You wondered about your next plan, or at least what you should do tomorrow. Maybe I'll work at a restaurant, or a house cleaner, you thought. Your mom told you that this business would be tough, but you didn't listen to her. She was surely going to nag you the next time you visit her.

A noise snapped you out of your thoughts, barking? You looked around for the source. Then a a white ball of fluff ran passed you, into the street with moving cars.

"Hey! No, don't go out there." you yelled out, hoping it would understand you. But it continued heading out towards the dangerous intersection. Without even thinking, you ran after it. Your folder fell down, your drawings scattering all over the ground. The dog stood in the middle, frightened. Cars moved to the side to avoid hitting it. As soon as you stepped out into the intersection, cars began honking at you. The sky became gradually darker, you couldn't see much besides the blinding car lights. You continued to cautiously step out, trying your best to avoid the cars but also hurrying to reach the dog. The pup jumped right into your arms once you reached it, it was shaking violently, most likely out of fear.

"I got you." You held the pup tight, close to your chest. Slowly, the two of you headed back for safety, this time, there are less cars around. You ran back to the sidewalk, but as you were about to approach it, a car suddenly turned the corner. The driver didn't noticed you and continue speeding up. You were like a deer in the headlight, literally. Then you felt a tug, no, more like a yank from the side, pulling you in. The impact made you fall to the ground, eyes closed, but you made sure to fall on your back, to avoid hurting the pup. When you opened your eyes, someone hovered over you, and then pried the pup out of your embrace. You continued holding your hands out, expecting them to help you up. But he held the pup, and ignored you completely.

"Aigoo, so this is where you ran off to." the stranger spoke to the dog. He wore casual clothing, his black hair parted. You quickly got up from the ground and brushed dirt off of your clothes. He glanced at you, eyeing you from head to toe, you unconsciously took a step back. You felt pain on your back, but didn't say anything. "Thanks." he said, looking back at the pup.

"Yeah, no problem."

"I'll pay for some new clothes. And you're little sketches..." he trailed off, looking at the your designs that were now wet and ruined.

"Please don't worry about it. I'm just glad the pup is okay."

"Yes Rapmon is my life. I'm glad he is safe and in one piece."

"Rapmon?" you asked, suddenly bursting into a laugh. You looked at the man, expecting him to laugh with you, but he remained calm and serious. He also looked annoyed. You stopped laughing immediately. "Sorry." you whispered, bowing your head slightly.

"Yes, well, there were other ways to save him that wouldn't have put his life endangered like you did." he spat out coldly, emphasizing that last part. You kept your head low. The dog began squirming, suddenly jumping into your arms. The man looked at you curiously, then his eyes lifted up, as if an idea popped into his head. "What's your name?"

"Oh, it's Doh Y/N."

"Well Miss Doh, it seems that he likes you, which is rare. How about this, how would you like to become his full-time nanny?"

"Excuse me?"

"I'll pay you double whatever your work is paying you right now. And I'll need you to move into my house immediately. I have a business trip tomorrow and I can't leave Rap Mon alone at home. You'll also be in charge of his meals and mine 24/7, and cleaning his room. Does that sound okay?"

"Just wait a minute-"

"And... you'll also be cleaning my room."

"Hold on!" you yelled, cutting him off this time. "First off, I don't even know you, you could be a serial killer for all I know. And secondly, it seems like you want me to be your dog's servant."

"Don't be silly. Of course not." he chuckled, you laughed along with him. "You'll be my servant as well. And here," he continued, handing you what seemed to be a business card. Kim Namjoon, it read, producer and CEO of Rkive. "Now you know exactly who I am. In case you haven't realized yet, I'm kind of famous." he swept his hair back, and smirked a little. You saw his dimples, they were cute, unless him.

"Right...Well, I'm going to go now. Good luck finding a nanny for him." you said, handing the dog back to Namjoon. He seemed shocked, it must have been no one has rejected him before. Serves him right for being a self-centered jerk.

"You're going to regret not accepting my offer." he said, almost sounding like a threat.

"I think I'll be okay. Goodbye Mr. Kim."

"You'll see. Call me if you change your mind."


"Wait? What do you mean evicted?" you frantically asked the landlord, who was watching over the movers that threw all of your belonging outside. At least they put everything in boxes for you.

"You haven't paid your rent in 3 months. I can't stand this anymore." he said, his voice full of anger and annoyance.

"No, please! I don't have anywhere else to go! I promise I will pay everything this month."

"You say that every month." He shook his head, and began walking towards his house. You clung onto his legs, trying to stop him from leaving. Tears filled your eyes. He kicked you off, and you continued to sat on the ground as his figure disappeared behind the doors. You cried harder, wondering how you ended up like this. Your mom was right. You should have just stayed home and marry some guy to take care of you. But instead, you fought to live on your own, away from home. The movers left, and boxes surrounded you. You quickly wiped your tears and thought about the only thing that could save you right now. You could have called your brother, he would know what to do, but you retracted that thought. You have always been relying on him and you need to fix this problem yourself. You pulled out your phone and dialed the number on the card.

"Hello?" he answered after a few rings.

"Um, hello, this is-"

"Well well, look what we have here. It's Rapmon's servant. So, have you thought about my offer?"

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