Chapter 32 - Superman

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His eyes remained fixed on you as he asked you, "Why don't you move back in with me?" You had heard it the first time, but still asked him to repeat it. "Please, live with me again." he said.

"But, isn't this moving too fast?" you asked.

"If things had been perfect, we'd be married by now. So no, this isn't moving too fast." you blushed at his statement. But when you tried hiding your face, he held your chin in place. "Let me see you, baby doll. What do you say?"

"I, I..." you trailed off. There shouldn't be any reason for the two of you to not move in together, you have lived with him before, and it would be like the old times.

His smirk grew. "Ah, I get it." He took your hands in his. "I know I have messed up before, but I can promise you that I will never hurt you again. You are so important to me, and I will love you with what you deserve. Doh Y/N, will you be my girlfriend, again?" You felt a smile creeping in and practically jumped into his arms.

"Yes!" you exclaimed. He picked you up and spun around in place. As he put you down, you began to get worried. "Do you think we'll be okay in the future? I mean, we'll both be traveling for work sometimes, and I'm scared we won't have time for each other."
"Darling, please don't worry about that." he said, hugging your waist. "When you call me, I will run to you, no matter where I am. You are my priority, and I would give the world to you."

"Alright superman, I don't ask for the world. I only ask for you." You smiled, ruffling his hair.

"And you have all of me, right now, and forever."

"You're so cheesy." You pinched his cheeks. He looked slightly annoyed but his smile remained, his dimples within your touch.

"I'm only cheesy for you. Seriously, I would never talk like this with anyone."

"Not even Seokjin oppa? I know you have a crush on him."

"Shut up, that was long ago." he rolled his eyes. "He's getting married soon anyways, which by the way, we are going to." He guided you to the table where the bag of food was waiting. He started taking it out, which you can see were sandwiches and coffees.

"You want to go with me?" you asked, taking a bite out of the sandwich. The egg yolk burst in your mouth, the flavor expanding on your tongue.

Namjoon gave you a stern look. "Why wouldn't I want to go with my beautiful girlfriend? I want to show off what's mine." You giggled, imagining that day. It was only a couple of weeks from today.

"I don't have anything to wear." you said silently, not to anyone in particular.

"I'm sure you could make something magnificent in no time. Though, if you did that, you might look even more beautiful than Jisoo, and I am so okay with that."

"That's impossible. She's like a goddess."

"And you are mine. I do have one rule about the dress though."

"What is it?"

"It can't be too sexy, or else you might have to bail me out of jail for punching guys who even glance at you."

"But you like sexy."

"True, but only when they two of us are alone. Like now...." You felt his hand on your thigh, slowly and steadily inching forward. Your eyes narrowed on his grin. His hand continued to move upward and stopped when he was within centimeters of your private part. You gulped, trying to remain calm. Namjoon chuckled a little, but then turned his attention back to his sandwich. "I'll save it for when we're back at our house." Even though it was a provocative sentence, you felt butterflies when you said 'our house'. Just the sheer thought of being a couple again with shared possession was thrilling. Domestic life sounded appealing with him

After breakfast, he headed back to his house to clean up a little while you go back to Chaeyoung to pack your things. Namjoon was reluctant about letting go of your hand, but you promised him 3000 kisses when you see him again. He giggled like a kid as he drove away. Chaeyoung didn't have any meetings today, so she was happy to greet you when you came back.

"Good morning, unnie. How are you feeling today?" she asked, a sad smile on her face. You don't blame her for acting like this, you've been so gloomy since accepting Namjoon's request for the dress.

"Hey, Chae! I have to tell you something."

"You seem excited, what is it?"

"I'm moving out. Please don't be sad. I'll come visit anytime."

"Unnie, I don't mind at all, but why so sudden? Do you have a place to go to?"

"Yes, actually-" There was a knock on the door, Chaeyoung offered to go get it.

"What are you doing here?" you heard her yelled. It was so unlike her, she must be upset or something. Maybe a boy who has done her wrong. You shrugged and started walking to your room.

"Hi, Chae. Is Y/N here?" You stopped, turning your head to the door. He gave you a shy smile and a plea for help. Your face twisted in confusion as you walked to the door.

"And why do you care? Haven't you hurt her enough? And how do you even know where I live? Go before I call the cops-"

"Whoa there, Chae. Slow down." you told her, placing your hand on her shoulder to indicate that you're okay. Then you looked at Namjoon. "What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to go home?"

"I was, but I missed you. So I... followed your car to here. I thought you could use some help with the moving." he confessed, rubbing the back of his neck. Chaeyoung's eyes widened as she turned to you.

"Unnie, is this what I think it is?" she asked softly.

"Yes, I'm moving back in with Namjoon."

"But, but after what he did to you?"

"We were both hurt, our hearts has healed, but they beat for each other. I can't live without him, Chae." she nodded and turned to look at Namjoon warrily.

"Listen here mister, if you ever, I mean ever make Y/N cry again, I will not hesitate to hurt you." she growled, making a fist in front of his face. He gulped and gave out a nervous laugh.

"Don't worry. I made a mistake once, I will never let her go again." he said, looking past her and right at you. Your heart felt warm as he said that. Chaeyoung finally lets him in, and made a gesture indicating she'll be watching him as you lead him to your room. There wasn't a lot of stuff, some clothes and supplies. It made the move easy, you were done packing in 2 hours. Chaeyoung gave you a tight hug in front of Namjoon's car.

"Take care of yourself, okay?" You nodded. "I'll see you at the wedding then."

You got into the car, Namjoon closing the door for you. You could see his bright smile as he began driving, and it remained there the whole way. The image was one you hopes would see that forever. 

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