Chapter 26 - Baby Doll

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"Kim Seolhyun?" you asked. The figure turned around, and smiled at you. You had to contain your excitement. The woman in front of you was a world class model. Her long legs and beautiful face made her household name and a treasure in the fashion industry. "Oh my gosh, I'm such a huge fan."

"Thank you so much." she beamed, extending out her hand. You shook it right away. You'll probably never wash your hand again.

"Hi, I'm Doh Y/N." you said. There was a flicker in her eyes, like a moment of recognitions. But whatever it is passed instantaneously.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N." she replied, she voice was smooth like butter. Her hair blown lightly in the wind, as if she as in one of her photoshoots. It would be a dream for her to wear your design, but that's a conversation for another day.

"What are you doing here?" you asked, it felt like you might be invading her privacy, but she gladly answered.

"Oh, I'm here on vacation with my fiance. He's buying us some coffee right now." Her smile was radiant. Any guy that gets to be with her must have saved Korea in his previous life. You were envious of the situation, of the love that's all around you yet you can't seem to find yourself. You shrugged off the thought.

"Fiance? Congratulations! Who's the lucky guy-"

"Babe, here's your latte." called out a voice. You froze, not wanting to believe your ears. It can't be.

"Oh, there's my fiance." Seolhyun said, waving at the person behind you two. You dared not to move from your spot. You felt your heart heavy as you prayed that it wasn't who you thought it was, but his deep voice was undeniable. Your head slowly bend down as the figure got closer. "Y/N, this is my fiance, Kim Namjoon."

"Y/N?" he asked, his voice low, as if it had triggered something inside him. You looked up to meet his eyes. They had changed permanently to the same distant look he had given you that night. The world around you seemed to have fade, and it was just you two. His hair was now a sun kissed blonde with an undercut. His dimples hiding in the blanket of his cheeks. You so badly wanted to reach out to touch him, to see if he was real. But whatever memories you made had vanished into thin air, you were nothing more than just strangers now. Seolhyun quietly watched the exchange.

"Do you two know each other?" she asked, bringing the two of you back to reality. Namjoon said nothing.

"Oh, um, I used to work for him at RKive." you answered, hoping that it was the right response.

"I see. What are you doing now?" Seolhyun said.

"Oh, I run a boutique here in Milan. ADORA."

"I've hesrd of it from some colleagues. When you come back to Korea, call me and we can work something out." she said. You nodded, unsure of what the appropriate reaction to your ex-boyfriend's fiance asking to work with you is.

"Let's go. The air here is bothering me." Namjoon groaned.

"Wait, don't you want to talk to your old friend?" Seolhyun asked, gesturing to you.

"No, she was never a friend." Namjoon said, grabbing her hand and leading her away. He didn't spare you a second glance. You stayed in the spot for a few more minutes, your feet refusing to move and your eyes refused to focus on anything but the sight of his back. His arm was around her waist, he knew you'd be looking. What killed you was the sight on him kissing her. Her body arched back with his arms supporting her. They seem truly happy. After feeling sorry for yourself for a few more minutes, you began walking back to the company, which was located near the main city square. The doorbell to your shop opened, Margaret came out to greet you, but frowned when she saw how red your eyes were.

"Signorina, what happened?" she asked, running up to you to check if you had fell or obtained any other injury. Good thing she can't see the condition of your heart.

"It's nothing. How was everything here while I was gone?" you asked, rubbing your eyes and scanned the room. The bottom level was a boutique with clothing for sales while upstairs were the offices. Your mood instantly lifted when you saw your designs on display. They were your biggest pride.

"Everything has been great. But signore Mang is waiting for you in his office, he came to return your coat and wanted to wait to say his farewell. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier or move it to another room."

"No, it's fine. I'm glad he's here. Grazie." Margaret went back to restocking the clothes as you wandered back to your office. The second the door opened, Hoseok stood up and you ran into his arms. Something must have came over you, but you didn't care. Hoseok froze for a moment, but his arms eventually wrapped around you.

"What's wrong?" he asked with a soothing voice. The tears that you've been holding in came pouring out like waterfall. Hoseok didn't tell you to stop.

"I saw him."

"Oh." was all that he said, he must have already knew you were referring to.

"Why didn't you tell me he was getting married?" you asked, pulling back from the hug. He sighed and looked regretful.

"You'd be hurt by it, like you are now. I didn't want that to happen."

"It hurts so much, Hoseok. I thought I was fine without him, but seeing them together killed me. I still love him." you sobbed, your body falling to the floor. Hoseok went down with you, cradling you like a lost child.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I'm going to fix this, I swear."

"You can't do anything. He's getting married. He loves her, I should let him be happy."

"But what about your happiness?"

"I gave up on that the moment I lost him."


"Baby doll, what are you cooking?" you felt his arms wrapping around your waist as his head rested on your shoulder, peering over to see what you're doing.

"You're favorite, meat!" you answered.

"You're the best." he exclaimed, kissing your cheek. He walked over to the cabinet to set up plates and forks. Everything became a routine, waking up, cooking breakfast, eating together, and then going to work. If this is what domestic life is, then you're living the dream.


"Yes, baby doll?" he answered, his focus still on setting up the table.

"Why do you call me that?"

"Baby doll? I don't know. I think it suits you. Fragile, innocent, beautiful, rare in some instances, and you can be very scary to some people." he chuckled.

"Hey now."

"I'm kidding. But I don't think any other nicknames would fit you. 'Love' and 'darling' are alright, but you deserve something more unique. I would never use 'babe', that's so generic. And if I called someone that, I probably don't like them the way I like you."

The alarm clock beside your bed rang. You hesitantly lifted up your eyes, unsure of what's real anymore. You sat up groggily, running your hand through your hair. The dream rushed to you, tears beginning to form. "Why did I remember that all of the sudden?"

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