Chapter 39 - Obligations

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"Fuck." I rubbed my eyes, holding my head with both hands. I threw the headphones off. I messed up. The stress has been taking over me and any happiness that I could have felt when I saw Y/N had somehow been suppressed under my stupid anger of my client. In reality, I was so happy to see her, to see her eyes and her smile. I had wanted to hug her so tight, but I messed up once again.

Her suitcase was still here. It was a soft gray, which matched mine as we bought a set. It had been an hour since she left. The sky was already dark outside. There was nowhere for her to go, Tokyo is a maze. I grabbed my coat and walked outside. A police car had began to drive away as someone was clearing out the green tape. I noticed some blood on the ground, how tragic. There was a small crowd, but it was beginning to disperse. I walked past them.

"I hope that girl is okay." one man said.

"Yeah, she looked really pale, and there was so much blood too. " the woman answered. I stopped in my track, remembering how the brief moment that I did look at her, she had seem unnaturally white. I ran to catch up with the couple.

"Excuse me, could you tell me more about what happened?" I asked, out of breath. The man gave me a weird look but the woman answered instead.

"We got here late, but a girl got into a traffic accident. An ambulance took her away quickly." she explain. By the look of her face, it was a bad accident.

"Do you remember what she looked like?" I ask, my body starting to go numb from fear.

"Young, very pretty. She had on a white coat, or was it pink. I can't remember clearly." They had already began to walk away, but my feet were stuck to the pavement. Y/N was wearing a white coat. An unimaginable fear crept over me.

"What have I done?" My head was spinning as I was trying to figure a way to get to her, there are hundreds of hospital in the city alone. Just as I had decided to run to the nearest one, my phone rang. An unknown number appeared. "Hello?" I answered, hoping it would be the police or hospital.

"Is this Kim Namjoon?" the female voice asked.

"Yes, this is he."

"We're calling from Hospital X. We have your girlfriend, Doh Y/N, here, she's unconscious-" Before she could finish, I had already ran. I didn't stop until I got to the emergency entrance of Hospital X. At one point, I had tripped and fell, my hand and head scratched a little.

"Are you alright?" the bystander standing near me asked. He came over to help me up. I said a quick thank you before running off again. The pain of something happening to Y/N was greater than anything I could ever feel. Inside, the room was crowded. The lights inside were blinding. Machines were beeping everywhere. I spun around the room, my mind was about to explode. A nurse saw me and ran over.

"Sir, can I help you with something? You're bleeding!" she exclaimed, motioning for a doctor to come look at me, but I backed away.

"I'm okay. I'm here for my girlfriend, she was in a car accident."

"She's in surgery right now. I'll show you the way." I quickly followed her, turning around endless corners until I saw the red glowing light of the operating room. She left me alone. She came back once to give me a bandaid for my forehead. I ignored her as I saw, staring at the door. During that time, the sadness finally hit me. My tears seemed to have fallen out naturally. I couldn't stop it.

The thought of losing Y/N again, and this time, it could mean forever, was a stab in the heart. The pit in my stomach grew louder. I can't begin to explain how sorry I fell. She just wanted to take care of me, but I had pushed her away. Again. I really don't deserve her. If something happens to her, I don't know how I'll live. My head remained burry into my knees.

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