Chapter 25 - Mang

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4 years later

"Signorina Doh, the new interns had just arrived in the conference room. They all seem very excited. Victoria and Claire will meet with them soon to go over things and then they'll report to you right after." Margaret, your assistance said. Every morning, she would give you a briefing about your schedule for the day. "And at 2, you have a coffee meeting with a signore Mang at Paradiso."

You paused and turned to look at the blonde. She was a few inches shorter than you with freckled decorating her cheeks. Her curls bounces with every step she takes. "Mang?" you asked.

"Yes, that's what it says here on the calendar. It seemed that he had set up the appointment months ago." she answered, scanning the clipboard in her hand.

"Oh, I see. Grazie Margaret." she nodded and left once you have reached the front door of your office. You sat down on the swirling chair and stretched your back. You began looking over some of the proposals on your desk. It was the usual, some models needed your design, or a movie would request your clothes. After reading through a few of them, you sat back in your chair. You eyes fell on a framed photo of you and Kyungsoo and your mom, at your graduation from the fashion school. Thinking about that made you smile. It seemed like so long ago.

When you first got to Milan, you were so unsure of where to go or how to ask for help. Once you got to the school, you only focused on your studies and designing. The professors were all impressed with your work. They allowed you to participate in senior fashion shows, where you won the grand awards. With your progress, they allowed you to graduate early. And within a year of your graduation, you were able to start a fashion line, Adora, with the help of a few investors. In two years, you were able to buy the company back entirely. Now you have a whole team working for you. Despite being the CEO, you never stopped designing and sewing everything yourself. Your brand consist of couture but functional and at an affordable price. Everyone deserves to look their best.You got your big break when Jennie and Taehyung started wearing your clothes, giving you free promotion. You were afraid she would get in trouble, but so only wears it when she doesn't have a schedule. You told her she didn't have to do that, but she reassured you that she only allows the best of the best to touch her body.

Speaking of which, she visits you often, along with Chaeyoung and the others. Chaeyoung had quit RKive to create her own makeup line and collaborated with VT cosmetic. The Kim's were still there, even more famous than ever. They even have their own reality show now with Jungkook and Yoongi. Jungkook had just released an album which he wrote and produce, which had been one of his dreams for a long time. When he held his tour with Lisa, you attended. Jisoo launched her cooking show, it was on live television that Seokjin proposed to her. You called them immediately to congratulate.

You neatly put the picture back, careful to not knock off any of the decorations your employees gave you. It was more of a family environment. You tried surrounding yourself with other people, maybe because you miss your own friends and family. But in reality, you knew exactly why. It was to distract you from him. Not a day went by that you didn't think of him. Whenever someone comes to visit or if you would call them, they never brought him up. But on your own, you would search him up online. There were never any news of him, he seemed to have kept an even lower profile than before. The clock struck 12:30, you gathered you things to head to the meeting. For some reason, the name felt familiar, you just hope the meeting will go well.

The streets of Milan were always crowded with tourists. The city was beautiful, with its pavements and architectures. You pushed the door to cafe 247 Paradiso, a local favorite for tourists. That must mean that the client isn't from here. You looked around the shop, cursing at yourself for not asking what he looked like. Your eyes landed on a familiar face, one that you haven't seen in 4 years. You didn't think you would ever want to see him again, after what he did to you, but a small smile appeared in your face as you approached his table.

"Mang? Creative." you said, taking a seat directly across from him. Hoseok looked up from his phone and chuckled. His hair was a dark chestnut, parted on the side.

"Hey, Y/N. I'm glad you could meet me." he said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"You didn't really give me much of a choice. I heard you booked this meeting months ago."

"Yeah, I really wanted to see you and talk. But you're pretty famous now, even more than me."

"Don't be so humble. I heard your new album, it's really good." you said.

"Thanks. But, Y/N," his voice was much more serious now. He blinked slowly. "I know it's really late now, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry. The last 4 years killed me, the regret, the sadness I have caused you was eating me alive."

Your smile disappeared, "Why did you do it then, Hoseok?"

"I thought if he was out of the picture, you would want to be together with me again. But I was wrong. You both loved each other so much."

"I don't think he loved me."

"He did. I saw it. When you were gone and before I left the company, he was off. He went back to how he was before, but when more extreme. He would fire people for bumping into him. He canceled so many opportunities for the boys. He locked himself up in his office and didn't leave, he began sleeping there. I heard from Jimin that he never went home. I think it was because he would have been reminded of you. I ruined everything, and I am so sorry for everything."

"It's all in the past now. Maybe we weren't meant to be. If he didn't trust me then, it proved that a part of him has always doubted me. And if we were still together, I might not have had the courage to go off and followed my dreams. I think I should give myself a break, I deserve that. And you should too. I really appreciate you coming here though."

"The does that mean you're over him? Hoseok asked. You knew he didn't mean any harm by that question.

"I don't think I'll ever get over him. Our time was short, but it was like a dream to me. Like you, Namjoon left a big impression on me. I'm thankful for the experience. I grew from it. I realized that not inviting love doesn't prevent me from getting hurt. I'll love, and I'll love unconditionally. That's what it means to be human."

"Well when you come back to Korea, find me and I'll help you set up a branch." he said.

"I'll be counting on you then." You left Hoseok at the cafe, he said he wanted to enjoy the view a bit more before his flight back home. You took some time to walk the streets. It was something you do a lot by yourself, they were moments that allow you to be by yourself, in your own thoughts. Your feet dragged you to the city square where tourists scattered the place and seagulls flying over head. There was a figure by the fountain. You approached slowly, your eyes lighting up.

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