Chapter 36 - Wolf's Den

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"You what?" Kyungsoo asked. The four of you have moved to the living room to talk. You took your place next to Namjoon, to ease him of any stress from the situation.

"I love Namjoon. And he loves me as well. I, I actually moved back in with him..." you confessed. You avoided their eyes at all caused, feeling guilt rush over you. They were your family after all and they were there for you when you needed.

"Doh Y/N, why didn't you tell me any of this?" Kyungsoo shouted. "I will not allow this, at all. You're moving in with me when we get back to the city."

"Kyungsoo, you can't make me do that. I'm not a kid anymore!"

"That's what you said 4 years ago, and looked what happened? You left the country because of him."

"That's not true, I-"

"Save it, don't lie to me. You were too heartbroken to face him. But now you're back in the wolf's den." Namjoon gripped your hand tightly to prevent you from yelling anymore at your brother. He coughed lightly before speaking.

"Hyung, Mrs. Doh, I understand your hesitations about me. I was a jerk, I messed up and broke Y/N's heart. That was the biggest mistake of my life, I had lost my other half and it killed me as much as it had hurt her, I'm sure of it. If you would give me another chance to love her, I promise you, I will not let you down."
Kyungsoo scoffed, leaning back into the couch, his arms crossed. "As if-"

"Okay." You all turned to your mother, whose eyes were hopeful yet steady.

"Eomma, what are you doing?" Kyungsoo asked, his voice sharp.

"Young man," he asked Namjoon, ignoring Kyungsoo's question, "What is your real intention with my daughter?"

"We haven't been dating long. But in the last 4 years, I realized how painful and meaningless life without her is. I used to be someone that didn't believe in love, but when I met Y/N, she had given me the love I didn't know I needed. I can definitively say she is the love of my life, and I intend to marry her when we're both ready." You gasped quietly. He said this a few times before, but hearing him say it to your family made it seemed more real, and possible. You blushed, hiding your face in the side of his arm.

"I see. I'll allow this relationship for now." she said. She sat confidently on the sofa, her legs crossed. You loved that she's always so sure of herself.

"Really, eomma?" you asked.

"Really, eomma?" Kyungsoo repeated, unable to process what he just heard.

"Yes. I was with you the whole day, I noticed how happy you were. You haven't been that happy in a while, so I knew something good must have happened. I knew it wasn't about the shop because it was doing well before, but you never smiled like you did today. I had missed that sight so much. So if you're saying that you love him and he makes you happy, that's all I could ask for." She smiled sweetly at you. You felt tears coming out, your heart was touched by her gesture.

"Thank you so much for believing in me, Mrs Doh." Namjoon said.

"But don't get your hopes up just yet. You'll stay here until Y/N leaves. If I see anything signs that you might hurt her, or something that I don't like, don't even think about having my blessings to marry my Y/N." She got up and walked away. Kyungsoo following behind her, probably complaining about her deal. He glared at Namjoon before leaving. Namjoon let out a sigh besides you.

"I think that went well." you said.

"Well? I have two days to prove to her that I can be your husband. I'm terrified."

"Do you really want to marry me?" you asked shyly, you thought it was just something he said to divert your mom's skepticism.

"Of course I fucken do!" he yelled.

"No cursing!" you heard your mom yelling out from the kitchen. Namjoon scrunched his face and cupped his head.

"God, I want to marry you. I've never wanted anything more in my life. I want to always have you near me. I want to sleep next to you, because it gives me such a great feeling. I can't mess this up, this is my only chance." he said between his fingers. Your hand patted his back, and you kissed the nape of his neck.

"If it makes you feel better, I want to marry you too." You saw his grin forming. "C'mon, it's late, let's go to bed." You saw that your mom was fixing the guest room. She said that Namjoon would be sleeping here. When Namjoon unintentionally whined about not getting to sleep with you, as it was his habit, she scolded him. He felt even more stressed. He took a shower and Kyungsoo offered, well more like you forced him to give Namjoon some clothes to change into. It seemed that he was prepared to stay the night, but only brought formal clothing.

After he got out, you watched from outside his door as he dried his hair. After awhile, you decided to help him, he held your waist in the mean times. "This is what I want." he whispered.


"Working at RKive is great and all, but I've always felt that something was missing. And I think it's my life at home. I feel complete now that you're at home with me. But when we get married, it'll be even better." he illustrated.

"Do you think so?"

"I know so." he answered.

After you were done, you slowly walked out the door, but turned around one last time. "Good night." you said. He frowned as he walked over to you.

"I wish I could lay down next to you." he said.

"Joonie, I'm across the hallway from you." you giggled. "Call me if you need anything, okay?" He nodded. You tiptoed to give him a soft kiss. His arms wrapped around your waist. Behind you, your mother coughed, causing the two of you to back away from each other.

"Sorry." Namjoon told her in shame. Then he turned back to you, "This is gonna be so hard, I can't even kiss you." he murmured, "I'm going to die."

"Relax, it'll just be for a couple of days."

"Don't you want to kiss me?" he whined.

"Don't be dumb, of course I do. But I know my mother and I know she's serious right now. And if I want to be your wife, I also have to be on my best behavior. So goodnight, Namjoon."

"Good night, baby doll." he said before closing the door. You walked into your room and jumped into your bed, closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep. The house was quiet as everyone else was already asleep. Half an hour later, you heard your door knob turning. You thought it was your mom coming in for a nightly talk that she does every now and then. But the figured was much taller. He pulled up the blanket and laid down right next to you, your back facing him. One arm swung over you while the other slid under your body to hug you fully.

"Namjoon, what are you doing?"

"I can't sleep knowing that you're so close to me." he said, inhaling your hair. Your finger was tracing his arm.

"What is we get caught?"

"I just need a few minutes, and then I'll leave, I promise." The two of you laid in silence. You loved the feeling of his hard chest and warmth so close to you. It makes you feel protective. You turned to face him, he smiled when you met his eyes. "You're so beautiful." he said, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"Sometimes, it doesn't feel real."

"What doesn't?"

"Us. The fact that you're with me. It's funny to think about how we met."

"Ah, that's embarrassing. Don't talk about it anymore." he said, pulling your closer to his chest. "But I'm so glad that happened, because now I have you, Y/N. I love you. You are the answers to all of my wonders. You're my beginning and end."

"That sounds poetic. I love you too, Namjoon." Before sunrise, he went back to his room. The bed felt cold without him, you indulge yourself in the scent that he left, but you knew you would have him by your side for the rest of your life. 

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