Chapter 14 - Teddy Bear

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Since it's one of your few days off, you decided to sleep in. It was about 9 and Namjoon was surely already at work. You rolled around in bed for half an hour, scrolling through your phone. You saw manby pictures of j-hope on instagram. Fans really love him, they're call Hopeworld which you thought was a cute name. Jungkook had a concert last night, which you attended with Chaeyoung. The two of you even met his girlfriend Lisa, who helped choreographed some of his songs. You scrolled past a picture of Seokjin and Jisoo, you thought for sure she was a model or Miss Korea.

Then you finally got out of bed and went to wash up. Upstairs was awfully quiet, by this time, Rapmon should be out of his room and roaming the house. But you heard nothing. You grew more worried with every step you took. The door to his room was open, so he should have been able to get out.

"Rapmon? Buddy?" you called out as you entered. Instead of finding an excited pup, you saw him laying in his bed still. Beside him was a puddle of his puke. His eyes were open, but he didn't seem to be fully conscious. "Oh my god, baby!" you screamed, running to the dog to get a closer look at him. He was panting hard and his body was shaking. You picked him up and ran downstairs. After putting on a jacket, for both you and the pup, you went outside to meet with the taxi you had called earlier.

"The nearest vet, please." you said quickly, the driver nodded and sped off. You felt your tears forming as you looked down at the pup, he was snuggling against your belly. Then you pulled out your phone and dialed his number.

"Did you burn the house down?" Namjoon asked as soon as he picked up the phone. He even chuckled a little, you felt terrible with what you're about to say.

"Namjoon," you began, your voice trembling.

"Oh my gosh, did you really burn the house down?" he asked, even more frantic this time.

"No, it's Rapmon. I think he's sick! I'm taking him to the vet right now."

"Text me the address. I will meet you there as soon as possible." he said. You could hear some movement on his side, he was probably getting up from his chair and getting his things to leave.


"And Y/N,"


"Thank you." he said before hanging up. You were already at the vet by the time the conversation ends so you texted him the address and ran to the building. Inside, you were greeted by a girl sitting behind the counter. She flashed you a smile but it disappeared when she saw the pup that you were holding.

"Please help my dog." you said when you reached her. She stood up and grabbed the dog from your embrace, you were reluctant to let go but you knew she would make him feel better.

"Please take a seat while I take him to the doctor."

"Thank you so much." you said, in between cries. You finally were able to catch up on your breath and took a seat on the cold wooden chair. You were fiddling with your fingers to distract you from any possibilities. If something serious had happened, Namjoon would certainly blames you, you would blame yourself too. The thought of him hating you made your heart ache for some reason. It felt more than just because he's your boss. The front door opened, you knew that it was Namjoon judging by the fact that he almost tripped as he entered. He saw you crouching in your seat and ran to you.

"What happened?" he asked, his eyes filled with worries. They grew when he saw you standing up, a crying mess.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened..." you explained, some hiccups along the way. "I went to his room and saw that he was shaking and he threw up everywhere and I panicked." You cried harder. "I should have woken up sooner to check up on him. I'm so sorry, I should have done my job better to look after him. I understand that you'll be mad at me and you have every right to-"

Everything seemed to have happened in slow-motion. You saw that both his arms moved. One arm wrapped around your back and one around your neck as they both pulled you closer towards him. Your body froze as it made contact with his body. You felt his head falling against yours. His body weight seemed to have shifted entirely onto yours.

"Shh, don't say those things." he said in a soft voice, his hand patted your back. You began to breathe normally again. "It's not your fault. If anything, I should have checked up on him when I left for work. Thank you for bringing him here and calling me. You did the right thing." Your arms, as if they felt any inclination, wrapped around his body. The thick jacket he was wearing added to his body size. Hugging him felt like hugging a giant teddy bear.

"Excuse me? Are you Rapmon's owner?" a female voice called out. Both Namjoon and you scrambled to get away from each other. You two were in contact with each other for longer than you expected. Both your faces flushed.

"Ah, yes. I am his owner, Kim Namjoon" Namjoon said after collecting himself. Your face was glued to the floor with embarrassment. He must have been caught up with the situation, and so were you, you told yourself. But you found your body lingering for his warmth.

"Hello Mr. Kim, my name is Dr. Jung Eunbi." she said, giggling a little as her head tilted to the side in an obvious attempt to flirt with him. You rolled your eyes.

"What happened to him?" Namjoon asked.

"Well, Rapmon seemed to have caught intestinal worms." she explained, "But good thing he made it here when the conditions are not yet serious. We'll give him the deworming treatment and keep him here overnight to keep an eye on him."

"Can I see him?" Namjoon asked, he sounded like a little kid asking for candy. His voice was quiet and it trembled in a way that a slight nudge could break him.

"In a little bit, we have to clean him up first."

"Alright, thank you, Dr. Jung."

"Oh, please call me Eunbi. Something tells me we'll be getting to know each other some more." she said. You were in shock of how there seems to be no medical ethics in her behavior right now. Then you felt a hand sliding into yours. When you looked down at it, you saw that Namjoon hand intertwined his hand with yours. The sensation felt strange. The image looks the same as if it was Kyungsoo's hand from when both of you were younger, that feeling of safety was there. And it had the same tingling feeling as when Hoseok used to hold yours before he left. Namjoon's hand was rough, his rings was cold against your bare skin but you didn't mind. His slender fingers tightened their grip on you. You were sure everyone in the room could hear your heartbeat. Gingerly, you looked up at him, he was not facing you, but instead looking right at Eunbi.

"Oh, that's alright Dr. Jung. I'll just be waiting for Rapmon with my girlfriend." he said nonchalantly. It was as if he didn't need to convince himself of that statement, as if it was real to him. Eunbi glared at you and walked off quickly. He was still holding your hand when she left. "Oh, sorry." he said when he saw it, and immediately lets go. You were almost disappointed that he did that. "Sorry for doing that, I just did not like her presence."

"That's okay. Me neither. I'm just glad Rapmon will be okay."

"Me too. You can go home now, I'll wait for him." Namjoon said, sitting down on the chair.

"Well then I'll wait with you. To keep you company. Only if you want, of course." Instead of answering you, he patted on the chair right next to him. You slumped down on the chair, letting out a big sigh. The two of you stayed in silence. You heart was still excited about the event that just happened, but you told yourself he meant nothing by it. Even so, you're finding yourself slowly addicted to his voice, his smile, his touch, his dimple. "Rapmon means a lot to you, right?"

"Yes, my grandma bought me him before she passed. He's the only trace I have left of her."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I don't like talking about this."

"Well thank you for telling me. I'm always here to talk if you need it."You then felt some weight on your shoulder. When you looked over, his head was leaning on your shoulder, and he was breathing consistently. You smiled when you realized he fell asleep. "Shit," you whispered, your smile fading, "I think I like you."

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