Chapter 8 - Wonder

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A few days after Hoseok's showcase, Namjoon sat down with you to go over your contract for working at the company. You thought he was joking the whole time until he brought out a 30-page contract and made you read everything.

"And one important rule," he stated, adjusting his glasses. He looks kind of cute in it, especially when his hair is down. But you snapped out of your thoughts when he continued, "Do not get into any relationship with my artists. Not that I don't want them to date, I don't want them to be involved in a scandal."

"Yeah, who would want to get in a scandal with a lowly stylist?" you joked.

"Exactly." he answered, laughing along with you. It seemed almost like a dream, that he was being nice to you. But since that day, he has been a lot friendlier, like inviting you to eat dinner with him and Rapmon and giving you time to work on your design. "Anyways, you'll be going to work with me everyday then."

"Wait, shouldn't I go by myself? Aren't you scared of being involved with me?"

Namjoon thought about it for awhile. He had never cared about the headlines of him before, and he wouldn't mind being seeing with you. Not that he likes you or anything, at least that's what he tells himself, but because he feels like you'll keep him grounded. And you are one of the few people he could bully. Unlike his cold appearance, he's actually quite a big softy, especially for the artists working under him. But still, no one has gotten him to open up about himself before. "It's fine, just stay with me."

Your heart started beating fast when he said that, and your face felt hot. You knew he didn't mean it like that, but you couldn't help feeling weird. Then he handed you the paper for you to sign, which you did. Your dream was coming true, and the contract promised for you to focus full time on your work. But you told him that whenever you have time, you would still clean the house and walk Rapmon.

"Speaking of which, I have to take him out for a walk now." you said, standing up. "Why don't you... come with us?" you suggested. He was going to be home all day, and you knew he would be in front of his computer the whole day. He needs some sunlight and fresh air.

"I have work to do."

"It's your day off, you should enjoy yourself."

"That's easy for you to say, you're not running a multimillion dollar company."

"You're right, I'm not. But one day I will." you laughed, "But I do know that you can't run a company if you're locked up in your room. You need to see the world, Namjoon." He suddenly looked up at you with a weird look on his face. You felt like you said something wrong.

"What's wrong?" you asked.

"That was the first time you've ever said my name." he answered quietly. You thought about it. Ever since you started living with him, you've called him Mr. Kim only, or sometimes you don't call on him at all.

"Sorry." you said automatically.

"No, no. You can call me that, from now on." he said, smiling. But he wasn't looking at you, he was looking at his feet. They were flat on the fuzzy carpet. Then he got up and went upstairs. You watched him silently, becoming increasingly aware that you really don't understand him at all. You went and change into something warm. As you exited your room, you noticed that his jacket was still draped over the chair beside your bed. You were surprised that he never asked for it back since that day considering it must be expensive. The cashmere felt rough yet gentle on your skin, as if someone was hugging you. It was already washed and you even sewed up a tear in the sleeve.Since you didn't have the right color thread, you went with your signature color instead. It's like a little accent and hopefully he won't mind. You even sew a dragonfly on it for him. He seems like that kind of person. You grabbed the jacket and went upstairs.

His door was closed as usual when you reached it. You knocked. "Come in." you heard his voice, it was soft and it made you relax a little. As you entered, you saw that the chair in front of his computer was empty. You wonder where he was. "Did you need something?" he asked. You turned to the source of the voice and immediately threw your hands up to cover your face and turned around. He was in the middle of changing, evident by his naked upper body. You felt your face heating up. Behind you, he laughed aloud.

"S-sorry. I didn't see anything I swear." you said, still facing away from him.

"It's fine. You can turn around now. I'm fully clothes." You did as told and breathe out of relieved when you saw he had a shirt on, it was a soft pink color. It suited him quite well. "What did you need?" he asked again.

"O-oh yeah, I just wanted to return your coat to you." you answered, handing it to him. He grabbed it and swiftly put it on. "Are you going somewhere?" you asked as he went to the night table and brushed his hair.

"Aren't we going on a walk?" he asked, raising one eyebrow at you. "I'll go get Rapmon. Go put some shoes on." he said and walked out the door. That conversation sounded way natural than you thought, as if you guys have been friends for years. It feels like a rush of luck, and you gotta enjoy it while it lasts. When you went downstairs, he was already there, seemingly more excited about the walk than both you and Rapmon. "C'mon slowpoke." he whined.

You tried putting on your shoes while still standing up because crouching down would be too much work. As you balance your weight on one leg, you felt your body leaning forward, it was too late to put the other leg down. You closed your eyes, waiting for the impact. But you felt your body falling onto something hard, but not the floor. When you opened your eyes again after some long seconds, you saw that your face was flat against Namjoon's chest. Your arms pressing on him while his hands were up in the air, not wanting to touch you. Then you stumbled backward, embarrassed.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to do that." you said, bowing to him. Instead of scorning you, he cleared his throat and walked out the door, taking Rapmon with his leash. You finished tying your shoes and joined them outside. The cold air greeted you with chilly winds. You were glad to have a scarf on. You offered to take the lease out of his hand since he wasn't wearing any gloves and it was cold out.

"It's fine. I want to do this." he said.

"Won't you be cold?" you asked.

"I'll be fine. Worry about yourself first."

"I'll have you know, I'm as a strong as a bull. I never get sick."

"You might want to knock on wood after declaring that." he said, chuckling.

"It's so beautiful out. All of my wonders." you said, looking at the leaves as they fell from the branches. He turned to look at you, as if something clicked in him. The golden color decorated the sidewalk that you guys were walking on. Every now and then, you would jump and crush them. You liked the feeling of the leaves crunching underneath your feet. That feeling took your feet to the park, where there were piles of leaves. You decided to jump into one. You laughed as you were engulfed in the pile.

You felt something on top of you. When you looked down, you saw that Rapmon has jumped into the pile and landed on top of you. You giggled as you held the dog up dramatically as if saving him from being drown. Then you grabbed some leaves and sprinkled it down on him while he excitedly runs in circle.


You heard a phone camera snapping. When you turned to Namjoon, you saw that he quickly moved his phone away and took pictures of the sceneries around you guys. You thought nothing of it and continued to play with Rapmon.

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