Chapter 5 - Sunshine

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Namjoon's phone rang, waking him up. He didn't even bother opening his eyes to answer the call.


"Mr. Kim, we have a problem." Namjoon heard his assistant yelled on the other line.

"Jimin, what is it?"

"The custom made jacket that we order for j-hope won't get here today for his big showcase." Jimin answered. Namjoon quickly sat up on his bed, finally awake now.

"What do you mean? We had that thing ordered months ago, to was supposed to come today!"

"I know, there must have been something wrong with the shipping. What are we gonna do?"

"Does Hoseok know?"

"Yeah, he does. And he said that he's fine with wearing anything."

"Of course he would say that. He would buy people kitten just to make them happy. But he can't just wear anything. This is his debut, he has to look amazing."

"I know, I can call Gucci or Chanel."

"No, they won't have anything ready in time." Then Namjoon thought for awhile. "Hold on, I might have someone in mind. I'll take her to the company soon. Bye." He hung up, not letting Jimin answer. The clock read 7:30, Y/N would surely be asleep now. But Namjoon couldn't waste any time right now. He ran to your bedroom.

"Y/N, get up!" he yelled.

You jumped out of bed, "What's happening? Is there a fire?"

"No, much worse."

"What is it? You're scaring me."

"There's no time to explain. Just get dressed and come with me. And also bring the leather jacket and your sewing supplies." he said before running out the door. You were still in a daze but washed up and got dressed nonetheless. You gathered the things he asked and met with him in the kitchen. You followed him to his car and took a seat in the back, you learned your lesson the first time.

"Can you explain to me now?"

"Ah, right, sorry. We're heading to my company. I got a call earlier saying that one of the products that I ordered for my debuting artist won't be arriving on time. So I need a replacement quickly."

"So you want to use my jacket?"

"Essentially. I need you to tailor it to fit him. Can you do that?"

"Of course, that's my dream. But why me? I'm sure you have more credible and high end stylists."

"I don't need that. I need unique and human." he answered. It sounded admirable, but then you remembered his closet is filled with designer clothing. You began to get more nervous. During your free time, you looked into Namjoon's company, RKive. There were famous artists ranging from rappers like Suga, singers like Jungkook, actors like brothers Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin. If you had known, you would have put more effort into your outfit.

Namjoon wasn't slacking himself. At the age of 22, started his own company and won multiple awards for producers. He has released a few mixtapes/playlists of his own. You secretly listen to them, but you would never tell him. It would just make his head bigger. But one thing you noticed was that there was never any pictures of him with girls. As far as the world is concerned, he has never had a girlfriend. It was surprising, you wouldn't admit this, but he is handsome. That plus his wealth and fame, that's a recipe for a scandal.

The car then came to a stop. He told you to get out, which you did. You didn't expect him to help you, which of course he didn't. But he did held the door open for you, sort of. He pushed it open wide enough for you to slide through. He walked to the elevator, long legs took him there in a few steps, you had to run to catch up. You can sense that he was angry, you hoped he wouldn't take anything out on you. The elevator stopped at floor 5 and Namjoon immediately bolted out the elevator and you hurriedly followed him with your arms full of stuff. When he saw that you were quite far from him, he let out a sigh and ran back, grabbing some things from your hand.

"Thank you." you said.

"Don't mention it. You're too slow and we don't have time." he said. You knew he was blunt like this, that doesn't mean it doesn't make you sad.

"Sorry." you whispered. Namjoon was about to say something but you both heard a voice ahead.

"Mr. Kim! Thank goodness you're here." said a blonde boy. He has features of that of a puppy. His ruffled hair, his eyes glittering under the light. Looking at him puts you at ease, like soft moonlight.

"Jimin, where is Hoseok?" Namjoon asked. Hoseok, you thought, that name sounds familiar. But it's not like there's only one Hoseok in the world. Don't get your hopes up, you told yourself.

"In his dressing room. Do you have the stuff?" Jimin asked.

"I'm the CEO, of course I have the stuff."

"And who is this?" Jimin asked, looking at you with intimidating eyes. That innocent puppy look was now gone, replaced by the gaze of the devil.

"Jimin, don't scare her. I'll explain later. Let's go see Hoseok." Namjoon spoke. Instantly, Jimin went back to before, this time, smiling brighter. The duality. Jimin led the both of you down the hall and into a room that's marked "j-hope". You giggled at the name, it was cute and unique. You thought it sounded familiar, but probably because you've heard Namjoon talking about him a few times. When the door opened, Namjoon and Jimin entered first, their figures blocking the door so you couldn't see anyone inside.

"Good morning hyung." a voice said, it sounded familiar.

"Hey Hoseok. Look I'm really sorry about the jacket, I know you were really looking forward to it." Namjoon said, it was rare to hear him apologize. Maybe this guy means a lot to him.

"Don't worry about it. Jimin said that you have someone else even better." Hoseok said, you can tell that he was smiling.

"I don't know about better. But it'll do for your debut today, I promise." He turned around and noticed that you were still outside the door. He rolled his eyes and told you to come in. Which you did, hesitantly. Then you saw him. If Jimin was the soft moonlight, then the person in front of you was the sun, engulfing you with light. Like before.

"Hoseok, this is-"

"Doh Y/N? Is that you?" Hoseok said.

"Jung Hoseok." you breathe out. You thought about pretending to not know who he is, but your initial reaction gave it away. Namjoon widened his eyes at the situation. For some reason, he knew he didn't like what's going to happen between the Hoseok and you.

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