Chapter 7 - Stylist

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You never realized how chaotic it was being an idol. Sure, you've seen their entrances to music banks, but that was always online. You really thought that it was a walk in the park. But the moment the car stopped, you were blinded by the flashes of the camera lights. Dozens of photographers waited outside the car, yelling for their prize. Today's prize is j-hope, new rapper and dancer of RKive. Jimin went out the car first, and then opened the door for Hoseok to get out.

"Stay here, and I'll drop you off on the other side." Namjoon said. You nodded, both not wanting to get caught in the photos and you didn't want to stay with Hoseok any longer. You saw that he had began walking and stopping to pose every once in awhile.Namjoon started driving again, but once, he glanced over at you, to see that your eyes were getting teary. "Are you okay?" he asked, turning his head back to the road.

"Yeah, I guess seeing an old friend makes me emotional." You didn't know why you said that, he would have been satisfied with a simple 'yes' or 'no'.

"I know you're lying. But you don't have to tell me, just know that I'm here if you need anything."

"Do you really mean that?"

"I told you, there's no point in beating around the bushes. If you have a problem with one of my artists, I need to know now to take any precautions. I don't want my company to take a lost because of something as inconvenient as this." he answered. Any hint of softness that was there was now replaced with the cold air of the truth.

"You mean feelings are inconvenient?"

"Essentially. I feel that you live without it. That's my only feeling."

"Right, it's all about business with you." The rest of the ride was silence, which didn't last long because you guys have already arrived at the back entrance. When you got out of the car, you were surprised by how chilly it was. And you sneezed. Namjoon walked up silently from behind you and tossed you something before walking to the door. When you looked down, you realized that it was his coat. You were confused but put it on because it was cold. The length went down to almost your knee but it was really warm. It even smells like him. You shook your head, you should not be thinking about him in that way, or in any way besides being your boss and hell itself.

"Are you coming, slowpoke?" he said as he held the door open. You could see the mischievous smile on his face. That smile is gonna be a problem, you thought. Then you ran to meet him inside. Inside was a little less hectic than outside, but there were still plenty people running around. Once, someone accidentally bumped into you, causing you to fumble a little bit.

"Sorry." they had said and quickly ran off. You felt Namjoon pulling on your shoulders. He had placed you between him and the wall so that you wouldn't run into anyone. You were surprised at the gesture, but then realized he probably didn't want you to cause any trouble. Then he directed you to a room, you read the it was Hoseok's dressing room. Inside was a big monitor mounted on the wall, there were also couches and bags of snacks on the table. You weren't surprised to see a lot of people were there, like a hairdresser and make up artists. But you were surprised to see other familiar faces sitting on the couch.

"What are you guys doing here?" Namjoon asked, the five faces then turned to look at you two. You tried your best to not get starstruck. Min Yoongi was laying down on the couch, taking up most of the space. Jeon Jungkook was playing with a Nintendo Switch with Kim Taehyung, while Kim Seokjin was attempting to draw on Yoongi's face. But when Namjoon asked that question, Yoongi slowly opened his eyes and glared at Seokjin.

"We're here to support Hobi hyung." Taehyung answered, giving you his boxy smile.

"I see, but why did you bring Yoongi?" Namjoon asked.

"Because none of us could drive and manager Sejin is annoyed with us." Jungkook answered. You tried not to laugh.

"Well, at least he didn't kill you." Namjoon moved to take a seat on the couch next to Seokjin. You were still standing by the door, not knowing where to go. The only place you could sit down at is the couch where Yoongi is, there's a space by his feet.

"Who's the cutie?" you heard Seokjin asking Namjoon. You thought you could have died at that moment. Instead, you lowered your head to hide your blush.

"Oh, her name is Y/N, she's my maid." Namjoon answered casually. Everyone seemed to widened their eyes to look at you again.

"You really need to stop saying that." you told him. But he rolled his eyes and laughed a little.

"Y/N, come take a seat then." Seokjin suggested, pointing to the space by Yoongi. Even though you don't know a lot about Suga, you read somewhere that it would be dangerous to annoy him. You gulped and sat down, careful to not disturb you.

"So, are you really his maid?" Jungkook asked curiously, inching forward in his seat.

"Well, I'm technically a nanny for Rapmon." you answered, not sure if you should feel proud or embarrassed.

"I hope you'll last longer than the other ones." Seokjin said. Honestly, you've been treated pretty badly but you couldn't imagine quitting, also because you wouldn't have anywhere else to go. Before you could say anything, they turned their head to the monitor, Hoseok appeared . He was still outside, taking pictures with the photographers. He look radiating, he looked natural, like he was born to do this.

"Woah, his jacket looks amazing." Taehyung exclaimed. "I want one!" he said, facing Namjoon.

"That's not the one you ordered for him though, but it looked so much better. Like it was made for him specifically." Yoongi said, you were surprised to see him sitting up and looking at the monitor. Although you were touched by what he said, it disturbed you to know that you did make that jacket with him in mind, even if you didn't want to admit it. He was part of your inspiration. Namjoon burrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah, it does look great. But the design could have been for anyone." he said. For once, you were happy that he had said something, it made you believe that for a while.

"But whose design is that?" Jungkook asked, "It's not anyone that I've ever seen."

"It's Y/N, of course!" The answer didn't come from anyone that was sitting down at the couches. You sighed and turned your head to the door, where Hoseok was standing, strutting a pose. The others laughed, but then they stopped, and turned to look at you, their eyes widened.

"You designed that?" Yoongi asked. He stared at the jacket with a nod of approval.

"And she made it by herself too." You were surprised to hear Namjoon adding that comment. There was a look on his face, a mixture of ego and proud. But you strangely felt that he was proud of you.

"Woah, noona, who are you?" Jungkook asked in awe. Him and Taehyung had already walked over to Hoseok to examine to jacket. Hoseok then slapped Jungkook's hand when he was trying to take the jacket off of him.

"She's going to be our new stylist." Namjoon answered. You thought it was a dream. Your eyes were still looking at him, you saw his lips moving to form that sentence but you still couldn't believe that he said that. But after that, they all went back to their conversations as if nothing happened. Hoseok performed his song Airplane and won his first award. You felt glad for him, his dreams came true. No matter at what cost. 

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