Chapter 22 - Blunt pt.2

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The February rain outside grew rapidly. You stared at the window, waiting for the inevitable. Flash, boom! There it was. The loud roar caused you to hide under a blanket, something you have been doing since you were little. You couldn't tell exactly when the fear happened, but you remember trembling every time it rains. Back at home, Kyungsoo would comfort you. Well, he would yell at you first to grow up but eventually he'll hide under the blanket with you.


Another one, you were curled up into a ball at this point. The sound was even louder, you felt the room shaking. Tears were forming in your eyes. You tried to listen to music to block off the sound, but even Yoongi's rapping couldn't save you. But you'll get through this, alone, like you always have since Kyungsoo left.

There was a knock on the door. It was probably Namjoon. Immediately after dinner, when the rain began pouring, you had ran inside your room without an explanation. Namjoon assumed you were tired from work and hasn't bothered you for an hour. But he was beginning to get anxious. It's been a month since you two have started this secret relationship. Well, not really a secret since he kissed you practically every time he sees you at the company. He never listens when you told him to stop, secretly you really enjoyed the attention. All of his staff were aware of your relationship. As expected, the boys gave you a hard time. But Hoseok has been distancing himself a lot, like not going to company dinners or when you and Namjoon are in the same room together, he would leave. You didn't think much of it.

Namjoon knocked again when he didn't hear any response. He took the liberty as your boyfriend and the owner of the house to enter your room. "Baby doll, are you okay?" he asked softly. He would have definitely thought that you were sleeping except the body under the blanket was shaking rapidly. He crawled onto the bed, careful to not disturb you. His hand swung over your curled up body. "Y/N, answer me. What's wrong?"

Again, you said nothing. If you were to utter a word, you would sob instead. You felt Namjoon's weight shifting off the bed. The voice inside your head was begging him to stay, but you knew he couldn't hear you. "I hope you're not upset with me or anything." You could hear the disappointment in his voice, and it broke your heart. Namjoon rarely lets other see when he's sad. He's only defenless when he's with you. Like the time when Rapmon was released, he cried tears of happiness onto your shoulders. Or when his favorite character died in an anime, he just quietly hugged you for half an hour.

Just as his foot touched the floor, you saw a bright flash, even through your blanket. The sound following that was deafening, and your body felt numb. But without even thinking, you pushed the blanket off and reached out for him. In the end, you held on to the hem of his t-shirt. He was surprised at first but then when he turned around to look at you, his face fell. He saw the puffiness of your eyes and the stream of tears coming out.

"P-Please s-stay with me." you said faintly.

He didn't hesitate to sit back on the bed and cradle your body. Your arms found their way around his waist and your body melted into his. "Baby doll, what's wrong?" he asked urgently.

"I'm afraid... of thunder." you answered, your voice cracked a couple of times.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have been by your side the whole time." he said tenderly, his hand tracing your back while the other patted your head.

"B-Because it seems silly."

"Pabo. There must be another reason."

"I-I didn't want to bother you. You h-have a lot of w-work to do."

"I don't care about that. I can work on it later, or tomorrow, or never. I care about your well-being." he sighed, "I don't like that you keep things from me. I'm your boyfriend, I should know what you're scared of so I can make those things go away." He leaned down and kissed your forehead. Your close your eyes to enjoy the moment.

"You can't make mother nature go away."

"I can sure as hell try, for you." he declared. You giggled slightly.

"But I shouldn't depend on you so much. You might not be by my side next time, like on a business trip, know." you trailed off, not wanting to think of that possibility. But it's bound to happen eventually, right? Nothing can ever be this perfect.

"Don't ever think that." Namjoon scorned. "You're not getting away from me so easily. But I get what you're saying. Hmmm, I'll try to think of something. But for now, is there anything else you need?"

"No, I think I'm okay. The rain is calming down anyways--Ahhh" Before you could finish that sentence, another boom happened, and your head dived into his chest. You tried your best not to cry because it might get his shirt wet.

"Baby, you can cry." he whispered, tucking the strand of your hair behind your ear. With that permission, you sobbed until your grew tired. HIs hand continued to play with your hair. Eventually, you fell asleep feeling the warmth of his body.


The bed felt isolated in the morning. The soft sunlight hit your face. As you rolled to the other side, you felt that it was empty. Maybe you dreamed everything. Maybe you dreamt that Namjoon was here. The memories of last night flooded your head. The feeling of his body pressing up against yours, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist. His humming to help you fall asleep. You looked at the clock, it was a little past 8.

After washing up and getting dressed, you headed out to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for the two of you before work. You heard the door of his room opening upstairs and rapid footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Good morning." you said when he entered the kitchen. Your eyes remained on the eggs so that they won't burn.

"Y/N, take off your clothes." you heard him saying. Promptly, you dropped the spatula in your hand and turned around to look at him.

"W-Wait, w-what?" you asked. Then you noticed the bag in his hand. He took out a hoodie, and took a step closer to you.

"I want you to try on my clothes." he said, his voice was innocent, contradicting to what he just asked you to do. You sighed, your body relaxed, and you rubbed your temples.

"Sweetie, you really gotta stop being so blunt all the time."

"Why? What were you thinking about?" he grinned.

"N-Nothing." you said quietly. He chuckled and kissed you. Your arms automatically wrapped around his neck. His arms supporting your back. Your eyes widened when you felt him unzipping your jacket. "Namjoon, what are you doing?"

"Why do you always ask stupid questions? It's obvious. I'm taking your jacket off so that you would wear my hoodie."

"Why do you want me to wear your clothes?"

"Well I thought about what happened last night. As much as I don't want to think about being away from you, there might be times when I'm not here for you. So I thought that my clothes would somehow be a little bit helpful. They're too small for me now."

"That's so sweet." you said, grabbing the hoodie from the counter and tried it on. It went past your waist. You giggled as you twirled around. You felt his arms grabbing you, anchoring you closer to him.

"I do have another reason though." he said.

"What is it?"

"I really just wanted to see you in my hoodie. And nothing but my hoodie." he whispered that last part into your ears. Before you could say anything, he bent down to nibble on your neck. The sensation felt so wild, your knees went weak and you fell into his embrace. But then he stopped and pulled himself back. "What's that smell?"

You turned back to the stove where the eggs are now burned. And the fire alarm went off.  

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