Chapter 15

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After going home happy I got a job, I decided to go and treat myself to whatever I'd soon decide. The day was going well and I just wanted to finally do something without having to worry. But first, I wanted to get some extra money so I sold my father's liquor to some guys who hung out lower down my street. I gained $720 for selling two bottles of rum and one of vodka.

I then made up my mind what the treat was going to be...a party! There was a party at Club Hush that night from 8 pm to 3 am that a lot of people from my school were going to. I had called Clara and convinced her to go with me. She did live in San Fernando, but just for me, she had travelled up and planned to sleep over at my house after the party. I felt bad remembering I had slept with her crush but that day wasn't the day to worry about that stuff...not even worry too much about my baby.

So it was just to get ready and meet her in El Dorado where the club was. I was really excited. I started to get ready at 7pm; I shaved my legs, took a shower and washed my hair. I combed my hair into a slicked back top bun and did my edges, sweet! I wore a white cropped T-shirt with ripped denim shorts and white sandals. I was finally looking like a human...a hot human. I then left to meet Clara.

I arrived at Club Hush at around 9pm and I met Clara there. We went inside and the room wasn't too full, it was big and dark with lights flashing all over and the deejays were playing music on the stage. Eventually the party REALLY started at about 10 pm and everyone was dancing and there was a lot of vibes. Clara and I were dancing and just enjoying ourselves.

Then, shots passed around and Clara gave me one and she said "on three". I was pregnant and I knew I shouldn't be drinking so I said,

"Nah gyul, I staying sober tonight,"

"Oh Gosh Shenice," she said, "Is just one shot, it en go do yuh nothing"

"Nah I good"

"Alright, two for me," she said excitingly, Clara was really there to party.

I breathed a sigh of relief, "that was close," I said in my mind but I worried that if Clara kept going then I'd have to travel home with this drunk girl.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned and it was HIM. It was the handsome boy who gave me the money that I had spent on the pregnancy test at the pharmacy! Clara saw him and immediately started to blush and she mouthed "get tru!"

"I cud get a dance," He said and I gave him one.

We started to talk and Clara left to go by the bar to get herself drunk. His name was Keith, he attended St. Robert's College and he was 17, in form four as well. I got his number and we continued to talk until Clara came back. He had left his friends to talk to me so I felt special, the night was going great. The three of us enjoyed the party until it was over. However, Clara was really drunk. So the night got even greater because Keith had a car and offered to drop us home. To our surprise, he drove a damn Mercedes. Wow! He was definitely a rich boy.

On the way home Clara embarrassed me, and vomited in his car. Great. Keith didn't mind too much tho, he said he understood and that it was just a car while I apologised one too many times. When we reached at my house we went inside and Keith and I laid Clara on my bed. I thanked him for everything and he left soon after. Before he left he told me,

"Make sure and call me eh," and winked

Then as soon as he drove off I was squealing because I really had 'gotten tru'.

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