Chapter 3

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The gun was out of bullets. I was still alive but I felt horrified and jovial at the same time. The surrounding pupils were in shock as it was the first time they had seen someone reveal a gun to someone else on school grounds. I then ran to the nearest girls bathroom and entered a stall and locked it. My eyes had been filled with tears, my heart was palpitating at an extremely fast rate. I took deep breaths then thanked God for my life. It was astonishing to think that I could have been dead a minute ago.

I quickly left the school compound and traveled home.

I arrived at my home around 5 pm and I met my father drunk in the kitchen.

"Why you does come home so early?!" he said dragging his words

"It's after 5, Daddy," I answered

" SHUUUUT U-U-UP!" he said in his drunkened state, "Doh answer back!"

I left the kitchen and proceeded to my room and began to read a book. My room was small; it was square in shape and had white walls, white tiles and a plain brown bed in the middle of the back wall with dark blue floral sheets. A window with dark blue curtains was behind my bed and a brown cupboard to the side of the room next to a brown bookshelf and a brown dresser.

My house only had two bedrooms. Luckily I was an only child because in that case I would have to share it. We were not poor, only because my father sold drugs for a living, but my father only spent his money on himself, usually to buy alcohol and more drugs.

While reading my book, my father entered the room. He came in drunker than before. It was about 6 pm. He then closed my window curtains.

"Daddy?" I said confused

He covered my mouth with his hand and slowly slid me down the bed frame I was leaning on. I became nervous, I didn't know what was going on. I tried to mumble and ask what he was doing but he had covered my mouth tighter and grabbed my arm. I was pulled down until I laid flat on my bed. He held down my shoulders with agression and came on top of me. I started mumbling stop and became worried as i thought deeper into was was happening...

His face looked lazy and and careless. I could feel the tension and i was frightened out of my mind. He then began to rip my clothes.

I struggled to say words but my sound was muffled by the strength he used to hold me down and silence me.

I kicked him but he became angry and punched me in the throat. I tried to scream but the sound was again muffled and he had hit me for trying.

I then began to cry but he continued touching me innapropriately and you can only imagine the horror that came after that.

That evening I WAS RAPED.

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