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It has been too long.

Four months to be exact.

They kept me in prison during the time of my trial, but now is time for me to be moved to a mental facility. I refuse to call it a hospital. They don't care about my well being.

I sat in the metal chair staring blankly at the woman in front of me. The silence made me feel sleepy, but the bright light kept me awake. Dr. Choi cleared her throat to get my attention. I rolled my eyes.

"Tell me what happened, Mr. Terada." She said calmly.

"You already know what happened. Why do I need to explain to you every session?" I retorted.

She leaned back in her chair, maintaining eye contact. "I just want to hear it in your words."

I sighed and tapped my fingers on the table. The pain that I felt that night resurfaced. "My beloved Marcie snitched on me."

"That's it?" She raised an eyebrow.

"She told me she loved me but said it's not right. She said I was sick, then the police came." My hands balled up into fists in anger. "She cried when she confessed. I waited so long to hear her say it, and now I'm stuck in this fucking bland ass room staring at you."

She stayed silent in thought. She wrote down something in her notepad. Her face never changed from her usual calm expression.

I miss Marceline. I'm hurt that she turned me in. I'm hurt that she attempted to kill me. I thought that once she said 'I love you' that we could finally be a happy couple. She didn't even show up to my court trial.

I was told that I'm going to be put in a mental asylum for the next five years. That is far too long to be away from my Marcie. She could forget me. People could try and take what's mine. I told Kou to continue to watch her.

"Mr. Terada-"

"Stop calling me that, I'm not an old man!" I snapped.

She took a deep breath and spoke again. "Takuya... What Marceline did was the right thing to do. Me sitting with you has helped me figure out what's wrong with you. Believe me, it's a lot."

"I know how you people work. You diagnose me with some random disorder, not caring if you're correct or not. All you care about is money."

"That's not the case with all of us." She said. "I want you to get better."

"Lies!" I slammed my hands on the table. The handcuff that connected my wrist to the table limited my movements.

"If you want me to get better then you would let me go! I want to see my Marcie!"

"You have an unhealthy obsession with this girl. In order for you to get better you have to get over her. You're just infatuated." She stated.

"Shut the fuck up." I growled.



I shot up from the chair. I used my free hand to snatch her hair and yank it so she hit her head on the table. Dr. Choi quickly recovered and backed away from me. She pressed the button on the wall to alert security.


I've had it with this stupid woman. How is she even qualified to be a psychiatrist? It's funny that she was one of the people that suggested I stay in this asylum or whatever it's called. I don't have a mental illness. All I need is Marceline to make me better, but no one believes me.

I placed one of my feet on the table as I pulled on the handcuffs. My hand finally slipped out after fighting with it. An evil grin graced my face as I lunged at Dr. Choi. A wave of pleasure came over me as I held her by her neck.

I ignored her clawing at my arm and face. My body was numb, and red was the only thing I saw. Everyone is keeping me from her. They all need to die.


Security guards rushed in and pulled Dr. Choi away from me. My attempt to punch one of them failed. I was soon in their grasp and dragged out of the room. As I caught a glimpse of Dr. Choi, she looked at me with a concerned expression. Her hand was massaging her neck softly.

I was thrown in a cell. The sound of the door being locked was heard not too long after. I sighed and stood up. I laid on the bed that was too small for me. My mind wanders to Dr. Choi.

She can be my ticket out of here.


Hey guys!

Here we are in book two. Tell me your thoughts please. I love when you guys comment.


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