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I took my mother's advice on not coming to classes and work. Well, I have no choice in the matter. I haven't been to either place in over three weeks. It came down to me quitting my job.

This brings us to my current situation. My mom is driving me to Sweet Beginnings so I can say one final goodbye to my coworkers there. Of course I will visit them from time to time. I won't miss Seiji that much though.

He gave me the creeps with every passing second I was near him. He would approach me more at school as well whether it be for lunch or catching me walking around campus. Since I wasn't present at school he kept texting me throughout the day. Seiji reminded me why I hated people in the first place.

He was like Takuya 2.0.

The killings died down during my hiatus. Everything around me went back to normal but I didn't. If anything I was more paranoid than ever. It was too calm.

I knew that this was the calm before the storm. Kou has disappeared and broke contact with me. What if it is because he's breaking Takuya out?

"We're here, Marceline." My mom interrupted my thoughts.

I unplugged my seatbelt and opened the car door. My mom put her hand on my shoulder. I looked back at her.

"Do you need me to come with you?" She asked softly.

I nodded yes and she got out of the car with me. I was too scared to go alone because so much could happen. We entered the shop and was instantly greeted by Sasha, someone I would talk to sometimes. She hugged both me and my mom with a smile on her face.

"I wish you didn't have to quit." She pouted.

"You just want someone else to deal with shoes." I playfully rolled my eyes.

It was true that I helped Sasha in the shoe section of the store. Sasha was so bad with remembering where the shoes were in the back and forgot who asked for what. I was the one that had to do it for her so she wouldn't get chewed out by Tracey.

Sasha chuckled and I went in the back to find Tracey while my mom trailed behind me. Tracey's office door was open so I knocked on it gently as I stood in the doorway. She looked up at me and greeted me.

"Good afternoon, Marceline," she said. "I got your message saying that you quit due to health reasons."

My mom was the one who wrote that email. She was so determined to hide me from the outside world. In my opinion, she has taken this too far. I get that she's worried for my safety after I was kidnapped by a psychopath, but making me quit school and my job is going overboard.

"Yes," I replied. "I'm sorry that this is so sudden."

"Don't worry about it." She smiled and stood up. She went over and hugged me. "I hope you get better soon, Marceline."

I smiled at her then turned to leave. I was heading for the exit of the store when someone blocked my way. It was none other than Seiji, who had a blank expression on his face.

"You're leaving." He muttered.

I nodded quickly. I didn't care what he had to say. The only reason I haven't left yet is because he's blocking the way.


"Mental health." I answered shortly.

I pushed passed him and my mom and I left. I let out a long sigh once I was strapped in the car. He acted weird.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid as usual, or maybe I'm onto something. What if I just drop the situation? I can't live in fear forever.

Seiji's POV:

I stood outside at the back of the store. The cigarette in my mouth is the only thing holding me back from lashing out. Marceline just quit. Why did she have to do that?

She ruined everything with her bullshit excuse that her health is the reason why. This makes my mission even more difficult. She has to pay. A long trail of smoke escaped my lips.

If the circumstances were different I would have fell for her like the others. Her sassy yet shy attitude and her beauty. Marceline is truly something.

The back door suddenly opened revealing Sasha. She looked around before her eyes landed on me. I rolled my eyes internally. I always hated her. Everything about seemed so forced and put on. I knew she was a bitch outside of the store.

"Hi Seiji." She said cheerfully.

I didn't answer and just blew out a big puff of smoke directly in her face. She didn't take the hint and stood next to me, leaning on the wall just as I was. My free hand was itching to dig inside my pocket.

Do it.

"Need some company?" She asked.

"I'd rather be alone." I shot her a glare.

"That's no fun."

"Don't you have someone else to annoy?"

"No, nobody is as cute as you."

Do it!

My free hand grabbed the blade in my pocket and sliced her neck open in a swift motion. I watched as she crumbled to the ground touching her neck. Sasha soon died of blood loss.

I turned behind me to look at the security camera. A smirk crept onto my face thinking of how smart I was. The camera didn't catch me kill her because I was in its blind spot.

Well done Seiji.


Just a little filler before I get into the tea next chapter.

So it turns out that Seiji is the killer. What do you think his motive is? What's your theories of Seiji?

Until next time❤

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