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Hours felt like years on the plane. Takuya was in my face every second of the day. Shin would talk to me too, but not long after Takuya would push up on me again. He wants to rekindle a romance we never had. We both loved each other but I knew it was wrong which was why I gave him away.

Now he's back. More forced kisses. More forced affection. Something I tried my hardest to forget, but it still feels so familiar. I question if this is how I'll spend the rest of my life. I question if there's even a point in resisting him anymore.

Night came and Takuya fell asleep with me in his arms. His soft breaths tickled my ear. I couldn't sleep at all. I stared at the isle across from me. I blinked and Shin appeared causing me to flinch.

Shin noticed my startled reaction and let out a small gasp. He sat down crisscross style across from me.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" He asked in a whisper voice.

"Take a guess." I retorted.

He chuckled at my snide remark. "I see."

A brief silence fell over us. It felt awkward to be in Shin's presence. He gave off a weird vibe. Almost like Kanato in Diabolik Lovers. Cute but dangerous.

"I remember how he spoke so much about you back at Weston." He said.

He took my silence as an opportunity to continue speaking.

"He would always say how he would take you away and never let you escape again. He said if it was up to him, he would chain you to his king sized bed and lock you away so no one could find you. He loves you so much that he wants you to himself. It's a twisted fantasy."

Yes indeed it was. Takuya would keep me immobilized and isolated. Is that what I'm being taken to?

"Do you love him?" He asked.

"I don't think I should answer that." I said.

"Oh come on. Takuya is asleep and no one is listening. This can be between us."

"Why are you so eager to know?"

He sighed and let his head hang low. I don't know why he wants to know things so bad, but I don't trust him. He just raised a lot of red flags.

"It's just that...you don't look happy." He answered.

"What do you know?" I scoffed.

"I'm an observer. I talk whenever I feel is best, and I feel like I can trust you, Marceline. I will help you with anything you need. You can even vent to me. Never forget."

"How do I know that I can trust you?" I questioned.

"I'm the only one on this plane that doesn't work for Takuya. He can't threaten to fire me or deduct my pay like the others. Even Kou is paid to work for him."

I broke eye contact with him. Takuya stirred and held me tighter. I let out a small yelp.

"Just think about it, Marceline." He smiled.

Shin stood up and patted my head before disappearing to another part of the plane. Not long after, sleep consumed me. Even in my dreams I didn't feel free. All that I felt was being trapped in Takuya's arms.



"Marcie, wake up."

I suddenly felt something sharp clamp down on my cheek. My eyes shot open with a huge gasp. I heard loud laughter next to me. It was Takuya.

"You're reaction was so cute. Maybe I should do that more often." He said playfully.

"Don't even think about it." I snapped.

His laughter halted and he scowled.

"You're not allowed to stop me from giving you affection."

"You don't own me." I scoffed.

"As a matter of fact, I do own you." Takuya retorted.

His right hand softly touched my breast and traveled up to my neck. His eyes held a whirlwind of emotion in them. I nervously bit my lip when his hand began to gently squeeze my neck. He wouldn't kill me would he?

"I wonder if you like being choked." He chuckled. "I might test that theory soon. I missed your glorious body."

Takuya inched closer to my face while his hand remained on my neck. He covered my lips with his in a slow, tender kiss. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. I didn't want this. I didn't want to love Takuya anymore. I spent two years trying to get past it, yet the slightest bit of contact welcomes in a whirlwind of emotions once again.

Takuya started to kiss me harder. His free hand snuck down and squeezed my ass harshly causing me to moan. His tongue invaded my mouth and I came undone. I couldn't fight the urges anymore and kissed back with just as much force as Takuya. My hands pulled at his long fluffy locks.

"Tak!" Kou called.

I tried to pull away but Takuya yanked me back to him. Kou called for him again but it didn't faze Takuya at all. I couldn't even stop him from creeping under my shirt and massaging my breasts. I pushed his chest to part from him.

Takuya looked pissed off that I ended our moment. He stood up and went to the front of the plane to talk to Kou. The sparks that I felt when he was close to me disappeared.

"Well that was steamy."

I let out a small shriek at Shin's sudden remark. I didn't even see him come over here and now he's next to me. He looked down at me with an unreadable expression in his eyes.

"Tell me, was he always that forceful with you?" He asked.

I nodded instead of answering verbally just in case Takuya was listening to us. Shin sighed and leaned back in the seat next to me. My eyes were trained on his next move.

"Well shit, I don't know how you dealt with him this long. Are you low key into that dominant shit?"

I pursed my lips into a thin line and looked away. My reaction caused Shin to break out in laughter beside me. This continued for a few more minutes before he calmed down.

"Can I ask you a question?" I muttered.

"Of course."

"How did you and Takuya escape?"


Hello, I have returned!

School has been taking up most of my time, so I'm sorry I can't update as frequent. Senior year is so much I hate it!


Tell me what you thought of this chapter and what you think will happen next.

Will Marceline grow to trust Shin?

What is in store for Marceline when they land in Japan?

What do you think Shin has planned?

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