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Today is the day. Today is when I finally get out of this hell hole and see my beloved Marceline. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees I'm back. I'm certain that her love for me is still there.

It was breakfast time in the cafeteria. I sat with Shin and his group so we could go over the plan. Shin remained pretty calm but you could see the excitement in his eyes. The others were excited as well except for Casper. He looked like he'd rather stay than follow us.

"Yongseok, you distract the guards in the pit with a card trick. Seyoung and Casper, come with me and get the guards' weapons first before we get Takuya. We also need to get Sangmin. Fuck!" Shin groaned.

"Where is Sangmin?" I asked.

"In the electric chair." I choked on my brownie and nearly had a coughing fit.

They keep rooms with electric chairs in the basement. If they were ever caught, the place would be shut down. That's why they're kept underground. The chairs are only for the really bad patients. I've noticed that Sangmin often got into trouble. He was a wild card that constantly switched moods. I overhead the nurses say he supposedly had schizophrenia or was bipolar. I don't know if either are true or not.

"You and Seyoung can go get Takuya." Casper told Shin. "I'll get Sangmin."

"Great, that speeds up this operation." Shin smiled and looked me. "Do you have the Spider's Kiss ready?"

"Why do you think I have on red lipstick right now?" I asked sarcastically.

"Make her pay." He murmured.

"I will."

We continued to discuss the plan before breakfast was over. My morning meeting with Dr. Choi was in a few minutes. I was being prepared for my move for the time being. The guards looked at me weirdly because of the lipstick, but I gave them a smirk. Maybe I could give them a kiss too.

It wasn't long until I was staring at the employee that had feelings for me. Dr. Choi's eyes held nothing but love. Love that should be for the man that put that ring on her finger instead of me.

The guards exited the room when they thought we were settled in. Dr. Choi was smiling ear to ear once we were alone. She began to giggle.

"Takuya, what happened to your face?" She asked between laughs.

"Oh this? I got bored." I began to laugh as well. I was laughing for a different reason than her. It was because she was about to die.

"It's good to know you're being active here. Moping and staring off into space won't help pass the time."

"I guess." I replied.

"Takuya... Do you still love Marceline?" She asked nervously.

A scowl quickly appeared on my face. I will love her no matter what. My Marcie is the only one in the world that is meant for me and that will never change. Her question fueled my anger even more. I need her kill her. Now.

"I did," I lied. "But now that I've been around you for more than a year you've filled her spot in my heart."


The taste of vomit grew more prominant the more I spewed out bullshit. At least she took it since her face turned pink. I have to talk a little more for her to believe me then I can make my move.

"Dr. Choi-"

"You can call me Sarah." She interrupted.

"Sarah, you've been on my mind since the first day we met, and my thoughts of you grew the more I was around you. I'm so sorry for trying to strangle you. I just want you to know that... I love you, Sarah Choi. I don't care if you're married."

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