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Shin and I have been driving for two days already. We switched cars and got a flip phone to call Kou along the way. We are supposed to stop in Arizona to meet up with Kou.

We're going to ditch this car and ride with him the rest of the way. He will give me a brand new phone and drop me off to get Marcie. Kou will also provide me with my own car. I don't know what's in store for Shin, nor do I care. I just want to get rid of him.


"Tak! It's great to see you in something other than an all white uniform." Kou laughs and hugs me.

A genuine smile was on my face. Kou looked at Shin with a confused expression when we parted.

"Kou, this is Shin. Shin, this is my cousin Kou." I introduced.

Kou flipped his shoulder length hair and held out his hand for Shin to shake. Shin was hesitant but shook his hand in the end. His face was blank as he greeted my cousin.

"Where are you heading, Shin? I can drop you off." Kou said.

"Oh I don't know yet. I was thinking I could tag along with you guys if it's not any trouble." Shin answered.

He was pretending. I could see it in Shin's eyes that he put on the polite facade to fool Kou. My question is why would Shin want to come with us? Unless he wanted to meet my Marcie, which I would never allow because a precious flower like her doesn't need to be around someone as horrible as him.

I could tell Kou was also against that idea. We both were wary about bringing Shin near Marceline.

"I guess...that could work." Kou said. "Get in the car. We still have one more stop before we go to Houston."

I sat in the passenger seat next to Kou while Shin sat in the back. I wanted to see Amara before I take my Marcie. Amara is going to be taught a lesson. She held Marcie back for years and then said she picked Yuto over her. She doesn't deserve Marceline at all. I would kill her, but Yuto is a close friend of mine.

The drive to our next destination felt like a drag because of Shin. He would start conversations that no one would really care about. He even made us stop for bathroom breaks several times. During those bathroom breaks he would kill at least one person. I heard him do it one time when I had to go. He might get us caught.

Thankfully, I had Kou to keep me somewhat tamed through the duration of the drive. My mind was always on my Marcie. She's so close.

"I'm thinking of dying my hair pink." Kou said while ruffling is hair with his free hand.

"Finally you decided to change from blonde. How about you cut your hair while you're at it." I mumbled.

That earned a smack to the head from him. I erupted in laughter.

"Don't get all spicy with me, Takuya. Touma and Ryohei were the main ones convincing me to change my hair color."

"Touma and Ryohei," I chuckled. "I haven't heard those names in ages. I thought you cut off all of your old bandmates."

"We're all still close. I actually invited them to the dinner your father is holding."

"Does that mean...Iori will be there?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't want to see his face at all. Him and I have bad history together, and I don't want Marceline around someone like him. What if he tries to seduce her?

Would that be a good idea? Him trying to seduce Marcie may give me a logical reason to finally kill him. Everyone tries to talk me out of killing Iori even though he's just as troublesome as Felix.

"I have something important to tell you." Kou said seriously.

I turned to him to give him my full attention. Kou sighed before giving me the news.

"I wanted to tell you once you were out of the asylum. Seiji is after Marceline."

"Seiji?" I parroted.

"Yes, Seiji moved to Houston to be close to Marceline. I don't really know his motives yet, but I'm sure he most likely wants to kill her. My guess is that he's trying to get revenge for Kenji's death."

"I'm confident that you're right, Kou. I honestly forgot of his existence. When we were little he would get angry when Kenji and I left him out. He always squeezes his way into places he doesn't belong."

"I do remember you telling me Seiji was a nuisance." Kou smirked.

"Seiji Kujo." I shook my head to contain the rage building up inside of me.

I'm going to eliminate him the first chance I get. It's a good thing we're almost there now.

"You should get some rest, Takuya." Kou suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"Get some sleep. I haven't seen you do it this whole time."

"I don't want to sleep until we get to our first destination." I insisted.

"We will, just take a quick nap at least."

"I agree with Kou." Shin chimed.

My eyes darted to Shin and then back to Kou. I did feel a little tired.

"I promise that we'll be in front of the house by the time you wake up." Kou said.

I sighed and sat back in the seat. A small nap won't hurt. It can kill time.

"We better be there when I wake up." I warned.

"We will, Takuya." Kou assured.

"Make sure our guest doesn't cause trouble while I'm asleep. Kill him on sight if he does." I told Kou in Japanese.

"You got it." Kou smiled.


Hey guys!

I meant to post this last week but couldn't do to it due to it being my birthday and being hella busy because of it. Anywho, vote and comment please.

Bye guys💕

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