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"So this kills through skin contact?" Shin questioned as he shook the glass.

"Yes, we have to hide it until we come up with a plan." I answered.

"I already have a plan." Shin smirked.

"Really? What is it?" Shin pulled me towards him and pointed at Dr. Choi.

"Nurses tell me that Dr. Choi has a crush on you. She must have a choking kink." He snickered.

"You heard about that?" I asked.

"Hell yes, you were the talk of the pit when they brought you in. A newbie attacking Dr. Choi on his first day? You don't usually hear that."

"Okay, back to the escape plan." I said.

"Oh yeah, I was getting to that. You put on the lipstick with the death juice. Next time you have a talk with Dr. Choi, seduce her and give her a little smooch. While you're in the room with her, Yongseok will distract the guards in the pit with his dumb magic tricks. While they're distracted, Casper and I will make our way over to you. Sangmin will grab the keys and some pokers for us, and Seyoung will clear the path to the exit using your switchblade."

"Not bad." I nodded.

"I had this planned out since you got here." Shin smirked.

That creeped me out a little. Everyone was interested in me as soon as I got here. He saw me as his savior, I guess.

"Why are you locked up here?" I asked.

"I killed my twin when I was fifteen." He answered nonchalantly.

My eyes widened in shock. I knew he was crazy, but this wasn't what I expected. I can't kill a family member. I can't even kill Felix and we're not related.

"If you killed him when you were fifteen, how old are you now?"

"Twenty-two." He replied.

He's been here for seven years? No wonder he's been plotting a way out for the longest. However, I think he belongs here. Shin is so sick that he killed his own twin brother. That isn't someone to trust.

"How did you do it?" I couldn't stop the question from escaping my lips. My curiosity got the best of me.

Shin and I sat in the far end of what the patients call the "pit". It's a large area where the patients have two hours of what feels like recess. Shin told me the story of how he brutally murdered his brother, Taeho Shin.

It was a tale of jealousy.

Apparently, Taeho was the good twin that did good in school and his parents were proud of. Shin was the mentally unstable one that always got into fights for stupid reasons, took various pills for his illnesses, and was forced to go to therapy four times a week. Taeho's death was on a Sunday afternoon.

According to Shin, his parents wanted to take him to church that morning. His parents believed a demon possession was the cause of their son's violent behavior that seemed to get worse as time went on. Shin poisoned Taeho's breakfast when no one was looking.

Taeho stayed home while Shin and their parents went to church. When they got back, Taeho was having a terrible coughing fit and ran into the bathroom. Shin snuck in behind him and watched as his twin coughed up enough blood to fill up the sink.

Taeho noticed Shin in the mirror coming closer to him. He grabbed Taeho by the hair and shoved him into the blood filled sink. He drowned in his own blood that afternoon.

What scared me the most was how Shin's aura darkened the more he went in depth. It was obvious he enjoyed what he did and doesn't regret it at all. He said he killed Taeho with a smile on his face.

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