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Kou kept his promise to me. When I woke up we were in the driveway of Yuto's house. It was a small but modern house with a pool in the back. I looked in the backseat to check on Shin. He caught my gaze and waved with a smile.

I've been getting this terrible feeling ever since he first got in this car. He could be planning something and I don't even know. He insisted on coming with us, so something must be up. We could have given him money and dropped him off at a random city and be done, but he refused.

"Stay in here and watch him, please." I told my cousin in my native tongue.

"Of course. Don't kill anyone while you're in there."

"I'll try not to." I smiled and unbuckled my seatbelt.

I got out of the car and went up to the front door. I knocked on the door with a specific rhythm that only I use so that Yuto knows it's me here. It didn't take long for the door to open and reveal Yuto Adachi. He looked stunned to see me out of the asylum.

"Hello Yuto." I greeted with a smile.

"Hey Takuya. I see that you're out of prison now."

"Yes, finally. May I come in?"

"Sure." Yuto opened the door a little more so I could enter.

My mind was thinking of ways to get my point across to Amara without killing her. Yuto is a close friend of mine and she's my Marcie's sister. As much as I want to kill her I don't think I can. I suddenly thought of what Shin said when we were driving up to meet up with Kou.


It was around three in the morning when Shin and I were driving in silence in the middle of nowhere. A lot of the trip dragged on like this. I felt his gaze on the side of my face. I finally spoke after moments passed by of him sneaking glances at me while he drove.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We don't usually share personal information, but I have already learned so much about you just by watching you." Shin replied.

"What have you 'learned' about me?"

"This Marcie girl....you two loved each other but she hurt you. You're willing to kill just so her attention stays on you. Kou is in on the plan to get her back. I also learned that you won't trust me no matter what."

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say either. Shin took this as an invitation to keep on talking.

"I know that Marcie was the reason you were locked up. Maybe she was the one that called the police. You're trying to restrain your desire to kill for the sake of Marcie loving you again... I say that you should let it be free."

"You have no right to tell me what I should do." I said sternly. My nails started to dig into the leather seat. Anger bubbled up inside of me.

"You're right, but wouldn't it be nice if you give into your desire instead of painfully pushing it down in hopes that the itch to kill will go away?"

"Of course YOU would be the one to say embrace the urge to kill. You're a murderer." I scoffed.

"You're right," he chuckled. "But I kill for the right reason."

"You didn't kill Taeho for a good reason."

"Listen Takuya, my parents thought I was nothing but the pure spawn of Satan. My brother, Taeho, was probably telling them bullshit behind my back to push them to drastic measures. He was the one that suggested a mental facility to 'fix' me. Sometimes you just have to do what is best for you." He ranted.

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