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Marceline's POV:

I stood in the mirror putting cream in my hair. Giving it one last scrunch, I observed my appearance. The jewelry on my face and ears shined once the light hit them. My eyes remained dull and blank. I wore a lavender colored hoodie, black jeans, and silver air maxes.

"Marceline, you're going to be late." My mother called from downstairs.

I went in my room to get my phone before going downstairs. My mom rubbed my back as we left the house and went in her car. She drove off after we both put on our seatbelts. I used my middle finger to adjust my glasses since they slid down my nose a bit.

Thursday mornings are now reserved for my weekly appointments with my therapist. My mom thought it would be best that I have someone besides her to vent to about Takuya. After I stormed out of the police station, my mom ran after me and apologized about everything.

She confessed that she treated me poorly and favored Amara, but doesn't after I told her what Amara did. She said that I was missing for so long that I missed Dad's funeral. I cried in the parking lot for hours while my mom stayed and comforted me. After some convincing, I agreed to move to Houston and live with her.

Ever since then, she has treated me like a fragile porcelain doll. Like I'll crack one day and end my life. There was a small period of time that I wanted to after escaping. I've gone through so many phases that I've given myself whiplash.

We made it to the drop off area. I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed my purse. My mom put her hand on mine to stop me.

"Be safe." She said softly.

"I will." I opened the door and stepped out of the car.

Before entering the building, something told me to look around. That's when I saw a familiar face.


He was in a silver Nissan watching me. The familiar feeling of fear and panic settled in, and my heart started to race. It took me a while to snap out of it. I shook my head and went inside the building. Maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me again. There were times when I would freak out because I thought I saw Takuya.

Once inside, I greeted the staff and went to see Elizabeth. I knocked on the opened door to get her attention. She smiled and went up to hug me.

"Marceline, how have you been?" She asked.

"I've been okay." I answered as I sat on the soft red couch.

"Have you had any nightmares?"

"Yes, but only four times this week."

"What were they like this time?" She sighed and opened her notebook.

"The same, Takuya would tell me he loved me, or Kenji dying in front of my eyes again. This time Takuya was smiling with a knife in his hand."

"A knife?" Elizabeth's eyebrows furrowed as she frowned. "What did he do with the knife?"

"He stabbed me and said he's doing it because he loves me." I explained.

A long exhale escaped her lips. Sometimes I feel bad for worrying her with my imagination. She is probably overflowing with stress because of me.

"I'm scared, Liz. What if he breaks out and finds me?" I said.

"Calm down, that won't happen." She assured.

"You don't know that. I know how he is, and I know he has a plan for everything." I stated.

"If that's the case, why isn't he out?"

I went silent and played with my fingers. Elizabeth stood up from her chair and sat next to me on the couch. She rubbed my back soothingly.

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