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"I'm so happy you're able to comply, Marcie." He said. "If you didn't, things would have taken a very dark turn."

My eyes were bulging out of my skull. What did he mean it would take a dark turn. My cries turned into quiet sobs. Takuya caressed my cheek with a worried expression.

"What's wrong, Marcie?" He asked softly.

I started to hit his chest. He would grab my wrists but I would maneuver out of it and continue to hit him. I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore. Takuya brought out everything in me.

"Why are you back?! Why can't you let me go?! Why won't you let me move on?!" I eyes were directed towards the ground.


"Damn it, I hate you Takuya!" I yelled.


"Shut up," I whimpered. "I hate that I still see you everywhere I go. I hate that you're constantly on my mind.... I hate that there's a small part of me that loves you. Let me move on!"

"Marceline." Takuya held my face and raised my head so I looked him in the eye. "I hate seeing you distraught, especially over me. I need you to breathe and calm down. I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere."

I nuzzled my head into his warm chest and he rubbed my back soothingly. His strong cologne put me in a strange high.

"My dear Marcie," he cooed. "I should have come sooner. Separation has taken a toll on both of us."

"Stop." I cried.

"Stop what."

"Stop sweet talking me so I can fall for you again. I don't want to go through this with you a second time. I'm too weak."

"You're only weak because you were away from me, Marceline. I can make you strong." He stated.

He grabbed me by my waist and threw me over his shoulder. I gasped as I was put in a different position.

"You don't need to take anything with you so we're going to leave now."

I began hitting his back in protest. I shouted at him to put me down, but halted when he slapped my butt.

"You better shut up and behave, Marcie. I'm losing patience." He hissed.

I kept quiet as he carried me out of my house. There was a car parked right in front of the door. Takuya opened the back door of the car and placed me in the backseat.

"Shin, watch her and make sure she doesn't try to jump out of the car." Takuya ordered.

My head snapped to the guy next to me. He nodded to Takuya and he closed the door. Takuya sat down in the passenger seat next to Kou. Kou quickly drove out of my neighborhood and on to the highway. I most likely will never come back to this place.

The guy next to me looked oddly familiar as well as his name. He stared at me as if he was analyzing every detail of my face. I felt really uncomfortable.

"You must be Marceline." He said.

"Yes...yes I am."

"I'm Wonho Shin, but you can call me Shin. I'm so excited to meet you. I've heard many things, all good."

That's when it hit me. He was one of the six people that escaped. He was the baby faced one. Shin spoke with a happy yet creepy tone. There was a strange glint in his eye that was oddly unsettling.

"Oh your short hair is so cute. Can I touch it?" He asked. He bounced in his seat like a child.


"Please." Shin begged.


Giggles erupted from Shin as he played with my hair. I heard a growl come from the front, which I assumed came from Takuya. His head snapped to us with a scowl. Shin looked at him with an innocent smile which earned a scoff.

"Don't get too comfortable." Takuya warned.

"Relax, I'm just getting to know her." Shin said.

"You can do that without touching her."

"Takuya." Kou called sharply.

Takuya faced him once he spoke up. Kou kept his eyes on the road and ignored the hard glare his cousin gave him. The majority of the ride played out like this. Shin would ask me questions about myself followed by a lot of touching, which resulted in Takuya getting angry and Kou having to calm him down. It would be best not to throw a tantrum while I'm in the car with crazy people so I refrained from having any outbursts.

Soon we were at a private airport. Kou signaled for all of us to get out of the car. As soon as I got out Takuya was there waiting to put his arm around my waist. I was guided to a man in a black suit and shades that waited to greet us. The man bowed to us and looked at Shin with a confused look.

"Who is this, Mr. Terada?" He asked.

"This is Wonho Shin. He helped me escape. He has nowhere to go at the moment, so I thought it wouldn't be so bad to bring him along." Takuya answered.

The man let out a distasteful scoff.

"You know that your father and the others will not approve at all of you inviting outsiders into our circle. Mrs. Terada is a different story because she is your bride to be."

Did he call me Mrs. Terada? Bride to be? Takuya glared at the man.

"Is my father here now? Just let us on the plane." Takuya spat and pulled me with him to the steps that led to the plane.

"Sorry to upset you, Mr. Terada." The man apologized and bowed.

The four of us got on the plane and took our seats. Kou sat in the very front while Takuya and I sat in the back. Takuya insisted we sit together. Shin took the seat across from us. I looked over at Takuya, who was rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To my homeland. You will meet my family and friends and we will live happily. Doesn't that sound great?" He responded sweetly.

"Yes." I whispered weakly.

This is it. I'm leaving to a country I know nothing of. I will have nobody on my side. I'm completely alone and helpless.


Hey guys!

Marceline is leaving the country with psychos now. What do you think Shin is up to? What do you think Takuya will do once they land?

Tell me what you think of this chapter.

Bye guys💕

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