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I was woken up by one of the guards hitting the door with his baton. I rolled my eyes and sat up. My hands were itching to wrap around his neck and watch the life drain from his eyes. He stood by the door.

"It's breakfast time, dude." He said.

I stood up from the bed and walked to the door. The guard held my arm tight and pulled me to the cafeteria. It was an average size. I went to get the shit that they call food and sat at a semi vacant table.

I played with the food with my plastic fork. Nothing looked appealing except the brownie and orange juice. The uneasy feeling of being watched washed over me. As I ate my brownie, I kept banging on the table with the fork until it finally broke.

"Hey newbie." A voice called.

I looked up with bored eyes at the girl in front of me. The girl was probably a teenager. She was a brunette with a light tan and green eyes. The dark circles around her eyes were prominent as well.

"What do you want?" I asked in a monotone voice.

"Shin wants to see you." She answered.

"I don't know who that is, nor do I care to find out." I rolled my eyes.

"Just come! Please~" There was a deranged way she said it that didn't sit right with me. I sighed and stood up.

She took my hand with a smile and pulled me to a table with five guys sitting there. They all stared at me. The girl pointed to the spot across from the one with big eyes and plump lips. He had an innocent yet creepy look to him. I hesitantly sat down.

"Thanks Donna." The innocent looking one said softly.

The girl, Donna, blew a kiss and walked to a different table. My eyes were observing the five men in front of me. I wasn't uncomfortable in their presence for some reason.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You're Takuya Terada right?" The one with the weird fried looking hair questioned.

"Who's asking?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No need to get hostile." He shrugged.

"You should be grateful we invited you here. I would've used my magic to turn you inside out." The one in the top hat said.

My brows knitted together in confusion at his statement. Does he think he's a wizard or something? The others glanced at him weirdly before the innocent one spoke again.

"Don't mind Yongseok, he thinks he's a magician." He waved his hand in a dismissing way. "Anywho, my name is Shin Wonho but call me Shin."

"Sangmin." The one with the fried hair raised his hand slightly.

"The great Yongseok." Yongseok made hand gestures as if he was summoning magic. I'm talking to nutcases.

"I'm Seyoung." The one with pale blonde hair said smoothly.

"Casper." The buff one that was a little distant from the others introduced.

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