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"How did you and Takuya escape?"

Shin grinned with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"We had help from four other people. We spent about a year planning our escape. One of the people, Yongseok, believed he was a magician. He distracted guards in the pit while the three others and I snuck past. I even got a taste of blood on the way to pick up your husband."

"He's not my husband." I interjected.

Shin's eyes snapped out of their dreamy state and widened. I felt a cold chill run up my spine at his sudden change. As if by the speed of lightning, he shot up from the chair and his hand gripped my neck.

"Don't you ever interrupt me." He growled menacing.

Venom oozed out of every word. With the little bit of breath I had left, I strained out an apology that snatched him out of his rage mode. He let go of me and say back down with a long sigh leaving his lips. Shin then carried on with the story as if he didn't try to choke me a second ago.

Shin manipulated the four other guys that thought he was their friend. He said that him and Takuya left them there but they were on the news with them on the list of patients that went missing. They must be out there somewhere.

After telling me everything, Shin announced that he will take a nap for the remainder of the flight. Takuya returned to bother me shortly after.


The plane landed on a runway that was in the middle of nowhere. Apart from the private airport, there was a healthy green field surrounding it as well as it being near the water. It was a truly peaceful scenery but I couldn't take it in. The plane was dead silent until Kou came in.

"Lady and gentlemen, we have finally landed!" He announced excitedly.

I didn't notice until he spoke how elated he looked. When I turned to Takuya, who was getting up out of his seat, he was also really happy. His eyes sparkled with joy and other usual emotions I would see in them. He held his hand out for me to take once he fully stood up. I took it hesitantly and got up and stood in the aisle. Takuya tapped a sleeping Shin's head to wake him up.

Shin lazily whined and fanned off Takuya as he came to. As Shin was getting up we made awkward eye contact. My eyes quickly switched to the floor to avoid looking at everyone else. I felt an arm pull me to a warm and toned body. We all exited the plane and greeted with cool breeze hitting us. There was another mysterious man dressed in a black suit and shades. He nodded in acknowledgement to us.

"Welcome home, Takuya and Kou." The man greeted in a deep, gruff voice as he bowed.

Takuya responded with a nod as well at Kou. Even as we walked away, the guy stared at Shin with a disgusted glare. I'm guessing since Shin is a stranger, but then why didn't I get the same treatment?

There was a black Jeep waiting for us with more suited men surrounding it and one inside.

"Welcome home, Takuya and Kou." The strangers recited and bowed.

I frowned in confusion. Why is everyone treating Takuya and Kou like they're part of the royal family? Also, where the hell are we? We were heading to the car when I abruptly stopped. A bad feeling began to set in my gut. Something told me it was going to go downhill once I agree to get in that car.

Takuya was the first to notice me not following and went back to get me. He held my upper arms and looked straight into my eyes. Kou and Shin, who were up ahead, stopped and looked back at us.

"What's wrong, Marcie?" Takuya asked softly.

"Where are we? Where are you taking me? What is going on?" I didn't mean to ask more than one question at that time but it ended up spilling out.

"Relax Marcie," He cooed. "We're in my home. We're in Japan. As for where we're going, we are going to my main house where we will stay for a while."

My eyes widened. No wonder the plane ride was so long. Takuya kidnapped me and flew me across the world. I'm most likely stuck here with no means to escape. My heart started racing and my body began to tremble. Takuya cupped my face in order to calm me down but it wasn't helping.

"Marceline, I need you to calm-"

"No! I won't calm down! You have no right trying to tell me that , you asshole!" I shoved his hands off of me and walked in the direction of the plane.

Takuya called out to me, but I tuned it out the first couple times. It wasn't until his voice became stern and harsh that I froze in my tracks. His tone sounded angry which brought back the memory of when I escaped him the first time. The memory of when he tried to kill me.

Takuya caught up to me and grabbed my shoulder to spin me around and face him. He harshly lifted my head to meet his fiery gaze.

"I don't like you calling me such a vulgar insult, Marceline. You should be happy! We get to be happy together without having to hide. So I suggest you chill the fuck out and get your ass in the car!" He snapped.

His venomous tone terrified me. All I could do is nod and allow Takuya to drag me over to the Jeep. Takuya and I were the first ones to get in and sat in the back, Kou sat in the front with another suited stranger, and Shin excitedly squeezed into the back with Takuya and I.

The hour, or what felt like and hour, was spent driving through different sceneries. We went from a green field by the water to a trail in the forest. There started to be less and less trees surrounding the trail, and an estate came into view. I'm guessing this is the main house Takuya mentioned.

I felt a presence lean into my left ear and whisper, "welcome to your new home, Marcie."

Hey guys!

It's been a long time, I know. I've been very focused on school recently since it's my senior year. But my school is shut down because of corona so I have more time on my hands to update more frequently. I hope you guys are being safe and staying indoors.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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