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It's been so boring staying home most of the time. I felt like I was wasting time by not doing anything. I actually missed school, I missed my job, and I missed being out of the house. It's funny how I claim to not like people, but I need to be around people so I can feel sane. It doesn't make sense.

"Marceline." My mom called.

I lazily rolled over to face the door where my mom was at. She was dressed in formal clothing and her makeup was freshly done. She's probably going out later. My mom hasn't gone out much in the past couple of weeks because she wants to make sure I'm okay.

"Breakfast is ready." She smiled warmly at me.

I slowly slid out of bed and rose to my feet. I followed my mom downstairs to the barcounter to eat. In front of me was hash browns, bacon, and a croissant. The same thing was on my mom's plate. We ate in silence for a few minutes until I broke it with a question.

"What's the occasion, Mom?" I asked.

She stopped eating to look at me with a confused expression.

"You're dressed up today. I know it's not work because it's too casual, and you don't go to work today. Do you have something to go to?" I explained.

"Oh... I'm going on a date, Marceline." She answered hesitantly.

My eyes widened slightly. I was surprised since it's not often that my mom goes out on dates. She doesn't really bring up men at all. If she's not at work, she's at home making sure I'm safe and not freaking out. I actually think it's good that she's going on a date. My mom can't waste all of her spare time on me. Plus it's suffocating being around her all the time.

"I'm happy for you, Mom." I said.

"A-Are you sure? If you're too scared to stay here alone I can call him and cancel. I can even bring you to with-"

"No no no Mom. You need to get out more. I'll be fine here."

"Okay but tell me if you change your mind and want me to be here." She stated.

We finished eating breakfast and continued the day like how we normally would when we stay home all day. Which is all the time. It is usually spent watching TV, eating, doing nails sometimes, and talking. Really boring after a while.

Time went by fast and the evening came. My mom was putting on her shoes near the front door. She was rambling on about what I should do if I ever feel uneasy while she's gone.

"Make sure the windows and blinds are closed and the door is locked. Just call me if you feel like it's too overwhelming to be home by yourself. How about-"

"Mom, I'm fine." I assured her.

She sighed and picked up her purse. She cupped my face with both hands for a moment before pulling me in for a hug that I returned. I understand why she is so nervous. I'm being left at home alone for hours at night. She has a right to be scared. But I have to do this. My mom isn't always going to be there to watch over me.

I have to look out for myself as well.

She unlocked the door and exited. She gave me one last smile before closing the door. I locked it for her and went to the kitchen to grab a snack. I sat on the couch with a plate of cookies and skimmed through the channels on TV. I settled on John Wick and continued to eat.

It felt weird being alone at home at night. When my mom brought it up I felt fine, but as time went on I grew anxious. I felt like it was a bad idea to encourage my mom to leave me here. I thought about Kou's disappearance which caused a flood of scenarios to enter my head. My main worry was Takuya.

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