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The break from everything was fun while it lasted, but then everything from a couple days ago, came flooding back.


"Cheryl just told be the Sugar Man's name." Kai stood, gaining the girls' attention. They didn't see her face and didn't think that she was anyone important.

They were shocked when she planted her hands on their table and stared straight into their eyes. "Spill." She demanded.

The two girls looked at her eyes as wide as saucers. "I wanna know about the black hood, Sugar Man, everything." She hissed.

Veronica rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest, "And why should we? This has nothing to do with you."

Kai laughed, taking a seat next to Betty, "The Sugar Man is connected the Southside, so is the Blackhood. It has everything to do with us, especially the Serpents. We're the ones getting blamed for all this shit."

Veronica didn't says anything because she knew all too well that the words coming from Kai's mouth were true. Betty sighed, "Let's start from the beginning."


Betty had went on to explain everything to the serpent, she knew everything now. The calls and threats on people's lives, she knew it all. Now she lay in her bed, skipping her school and thinking of if she really wanted to know what she knew now.

Of course she wanted to protect the Southside, it was her home, but was the information she had learned too valuable? It was possible she just placed herself at the top of the Blackhood's kill list.

Groaning, Kai buried herself deeper into her bed, only to be disturbed by the abrupt ringing of her phone. She felt around for her phone bringing it to her ear, pressing the green accept button. "Hello?" She questioned, her voice muffled by her comforter.

"Kai." The voice spoke hastily. She recognized the voice, it was Jughead.

Judging from the noise in the back, she guessed he was still as school, which she has decided to skip so she could manage her thoughts.

"Mr. Phillips was just arrested." Kai swallowed the lump in her throat, faking a surprised tone. "What the hell?" She exclaimed, "For what."

Jughead sighed, "People are saying he was the Sugar Man."

Kai knew it, he had been caught. She couldn't help but think of what would happen to the teacher, "I've gotta go, catch you later." With that, Jughead hung up.

She sighed, placing her phone on the nightstand next to her. Something was up with Jug, but she couldn't blame him. Riverdale was getting worse everyday

Kai wished she could take back her previous statement about the little town of Riverdale, it seemed that she only jinxed the town.

"People of Riverdale, I have rid the town of the drug-dealing, child-killer and other like him. Now, you must choose your fate. The next 48 hours will be a test, and I will be watching you all very closely. Show me you're pure of heart, and my work ends.

"Continue to sin, and I will take up the sword again." Kai just finished reading aloud what was posted in the newspaper of Riverdale to her group of friends.

"Fucking hell." Fangs cursed, folding his hands behind his head. "This town is fucked up."

Toni sighed shaking her head. "Always had been, always will be," Sweet Pea muttered under his breath, his hands wrapped around Kai's waist.

The school day was over and the group was leaving their books in their lockers before they left. "Hey Kai, wanna head to Pops?" Toni asked, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

Before Kai could answer, her phone went off like crazy. She rolled her eyes, "I'll catch you later tonight, 8 ish."

Toni nodded, "See ya there." Kai glanced at the messages on her home screen

Dad: Get home now, the lawyer's here... it's not good

She cursed under her breath, stuffing her phone into her back pocket and rushing out of school. She threw her trailer door open, making her way into the kitchen.

As she thought, her dad and James were sitting at the dining room table. "What happended this time?" She questioned setting down her items onto the floor.

"This whole fiasco is what's wrong!" James fumed, flipping through multiples of documents.

"The Black Hood and the Sugar Man aren't making your case any easier."

Kai cocked a brow, "What do you mean?"

Daniel sighed, "Your mother thinks I'm either connected to one of them or both."

Kai scoffed, "That's ridiculous, you just got out of prison you couldn't have."

James inhaled sharply, "That doesn't matter, they can use this in their case since it would technically be better for your safety."

James pinched the bridge of his nose, "You're day in court isn't too far away, it's only a few days away. We need to study their plan form what we have and make you two seem like the perfect family."

After what seemed like hours of talking, denying, and digging up the past, James had to leave. "I'll see you both in court." He smiled, shaking Daniel's hand and giving Kai and short hug, "Hope you're ready."

Right after he left, Kai checker her phone, 7:43. "I've gotta go, I told Toni I'd meet her at Pops." She gave her dad a hug, "I'll see you later."

She rummaged through her bag for her keys and slid her serpent jacket over her bare arms. She sighed as she closed the door to her trailer, Toni is going to have to do a hell of a lot of listening.

It didn't take her long to arrive at Pop's Chock'Lit Shoppe. Opening the door, she recognized a few pairs of people sitting in a few of the booths. She spotted Betty and Veronica, Jughead and Archie, then Josie and Cheryl.

In one of the last booths, sat Toni who was frantically waving her over. "Do you know he awkward it's been with me being here?" She hissed as Kai sat down across from her in the booth.

"Sorry, but apparently my mom's trying to pin the Black Hood murders and the Sugar Man on my dad."

Toni gasped, "Really? What the hell?" Kai threw her hands in the air in frustration, "That's what I said!"

Pop came by, handing the girls two shakes, one vanilla and one chocolate. "Oh yeah I ordered before you came." Toni smirked as Kai greedily grabbed the Chocolate shake, "I know you too well."

A phone ringing caught Kai's attention.

She watched as he picked up the phone and greeted the person like normal, "Hello. Pop's." She watched as he slowly and cautiously placed the phone down and stepped out from around the counter.

"That was him on the phone. The Black Hood." He stated, grabbing the attention of everyone in the diner. Archie, Betty, And Cheryl stood from their booths, that's when Kai noticed Jughead must've left.

She rose from her seat as well, her heart pounding hard in her chest. "He says that we failed his test. That we're all sinners." Kai glanced at Toni, "That the reckoning is upon us."


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