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I walk back into the living room and find my mom sitting on the couch with her arms crossed. 'So, this is what you do when I'm gone? You just invite random boys over to hook up with them?' she asks me, looking really pissed. 'What? You just assume that! You haven't been home for what, a month? I've finally made a friend and-' 'That's what you called a friend? Seemed more than friendly to me.'

'Can't you just listen to me for a second? Yes, I am friends with him. And it's not like you were home or texted me you would be so I could have properly introduced you two!' 'So now it's my fault I come home to this? This is my house, I'm paying for this,' she's standing now too and screaming at me.

'Oh this is your house now? You aren't even home 90 percent of the time, so I don't think the house is very happy with its owner!' 'What are you talking about, I'm home more often, don't make it sound like I don't care for my own house or even you!'

'Well, it sure seems like you don't! You're my mom for god's sake! And you're really sucking at that, so I don't even know if I can call you that anymore!' she's silent from my outburst. 'You are the reason your father left', she says calmly. She knows it'll hurt me, and I hate it still stings. 'You do not have the right to say that, that is all your own fault.'

She looks me dead in the eye. 'You're grounded.' 'I could care less. At least someone's home then!' I shout at her while running up the stairs. I really don't want to be in the same room as her right now.

I close my door and put in my earphones to play some music. I could just do some homework now, considering I've got the time. While busy with a math problem, my phone dings to signal I've received a message.

'hi des here, can u call me for a sec?'

I call her number and she picks up immediately. 'Hi Des, how are you?' I hear a sniffle coming from the other end, she must be crying or something. 'What's wrong? Can you FaceTime right now?' No sounds are coming from her side, but the FaceTime screen pops up a few seconds later.

I see her, a hood covering half her face and her sleeve wiping her tears from her cheeks. 'Des, what happened?' 'It's just... I'm sorry for calling you, my friends just- they're fuckheads. I didn't really have anywhere to go and I feel like my life is shitty right now. I don't know.'

'No, it's okay. Is there any way I can help you?' 'Nah, I'll be fine eventually I just needed to vent to someone, I guess.' 'Still waiting for the vent', I reply and a small smile appears on her lips.

'Well, those barbies- I sort of entered their group last year, and I guess they invited me because I was myself, ignoring that stereotype shit. They're like all rich girls with perfect lives and I wasn't, so I kinda didn't fit in but I told myself they were my good and only friends so we were good. They wanted me out and had their reason when I broke up with that cheating douche of a boyfriend. But those bitches literally just hacked my twitter and pretended they were me and tweeted about themselves, if that makes sense. They pretended to be me to shit-talk about them so they can easily blame me and play the victim. Plus they deleted my instagram and just are petty bitches altogether.'

'That's just plain sad', I say after hearing the entire story. The door behind her opens and a small boy walks through. He says something to her, and Des responds with 'wait a minute' before turning back to me. 'Thank you for listening, I have to go help cook. I'll be sitting with you at lunch tomorrow, so see you then.' She hangs up. Well, that was an experience.

Sorry for the short chapter, there's just one more chapter left :')

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