Chapter 7

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"Wait you were the one who fucking dared him!?" She said getting a hell of lot angrier than before. "Why would you do that!?"

"I was young and stupid. And back then I thought it was dumb that Luke hung out with you so much." He said with sadness in his eyes.

She couldn't believe it. Ashton, the one guy she thought was kinda cool at the moment is actually a total asshole. See this is the kind of stuff that made her lose hope in humanity. "I am so done with this shit." She said as she started to get up and walk away.

Luke called out to her,"Kody wait! Please I want to explain myself."

"There is no explaination you can give me that can make this go away. It already happened and I just want to forget that ever happened. So please Luke just leave me alone." She says and continues on her way. But she stops and turns around once more before saying,"and Ashton don't ever talk to me again. I can't believe you were the reason I lost my best friend."

Lukes runs after her while Ashton just stays seated. Luke grabs her arm and turns her around causing her to halt.

"Luke just leave me alone. Please."

"No not until you hear my side of the story." He says desperatly.

She sighed giving in,"Fine, but that doesn't mean I'll forgive you."

"I understand." He says then gets quiet.

"Well hurry the fuck up cause I don't have all day." She says impatiently.

"Well it's kinda hard to get it out there." He sighs. "Well it was this one time that you had gotten in trouble so we couldn't hang out. I decided to take up Ashton's offer to hang out with him so I did. I went over to his house and he asked me where you were, and I said you couldn't hang out tonight which was the reason I was iver at his place. We went inside played games for a bit, hung out, and ate some pizza. When you were brought up again. And that's when he dared me. He dared me to embaress you amd say that I didn't want to be friends with you anymore in front of everyone.

I was completely against the whole thing. I mean how could I possibly do that to you when you've never done anything to deserve it. But Ashton manipulated me into doing it. And right after I did it I thought to myself what the hell is wrong with me? What did I just do? Why did i do it? But I couldn't change what happened and you had already run off." He says all this and waits for her reaction.

"But why did you let Ashton get to you?" She asked in a whisper.

"I don't know why. And after that moment I knew that I had lost the best person in my life and I couldn't handle it so I left. And well I decided that it was time to make things right again."

Dakota stays quiet.

"So will you give me another chance?" He asks. And well she finds herself giving him a small nod.

"Really?" He asks with a hint of joy.

"I guess..."she says quietly. Luke goes to hug her but she steps away. "I don't think I'm really that comfortable around you yet." she tells him and he nods im understanding.

"Well I guess we have to change that." He says. "How about we go get some pizza? And you know catch up. It can be the start of oir new friendship."

"I mean, I guess so." She says nervously.

And that's when Ashton comes up to them. "So are you guys good?"

Luke answers with a grin and nod. "We're actually gonna go get some pizza right now. Wanna come?"

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