It all comes out....

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Ramira p.o.v

After Maia and Thomas decided to stay the night i wanted to help as much as i could but for now all i could do was wait.

" you think she will be ok?" i asked laying on his chest.

"she will be fine he mated her so it should stop the heat for alittle while" he said brushing my hair back out of my face.

"ok..." i yawn making circles on his stomach.

I had secretly wished that he would mate me but i was a succabus i kill people i have sex with and i don't want to hurt Miles like i hurt jasper.

I missed Jasper alot. I didnt tell Miles i knew hed get mad but Jasper was there for me when he was with Meagan.

l knew he was doing it for a good reason but i wish he didn't rub it in my face like he did.

After getting lost in my thoughts i fell asleep.


Miles p.o.v

I woke up the next Morning noticing Ramira had left to go help Maia. i got up brushing my teeth and washing my face.

Walking in the kitchen i cooked breakfast omelets for the girls and me. Thomas walked in the kitchen and told me to tell Maia he didn't leave her. I nodded putting the food one the plates.

Ramira came down and into the kitchen wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I gave Maia some clothes im gonna take a small walk" she said taking her plate and giving me a slap on the ass.

I jumped and she giggled walking outside. Damn i love that girl. Not long after Maia came down and i handed her, her omelet as i ate mine.

"Do you know where Thomas is?" she asked her voice soft and low.

I smirked, "at the lake"

She walked out side and i watched her talk to Thomas.

"The omelet was good babe thank you" Ramira pecked me on the lips.

"I know right! your welcome" i pulled her out of view and pushed her against the Table. i shoved my hands up her shirt and kissed her passionately before letting her go as i saw the two come back into the house.

Thomas sat at the bar watchimg the  girls as they talked.

I sensed a Alpha's presents so i assumed it was Maia Father.

I knock on the door caused the girls to stop talking and i opened it to see a group of people and William.....


William p.o.v

I tracked my brothers scent back to another packs house were i talked to a Alpha and from what i know Thomas took at girl.

The Alpha his family and me all left to find this girl and my brother.

When we got there i could smell her. He beautiful scent Ramira it was her!

My wolf was Mad at me for Rejecting my Mate for her. He hasnt talked to me in two year but who cares.

The door flung on and i see a now angry Miles and a Angry Thomas.

"Come in" Miles said his wolf in control showing his dominance.

I steppes in the room and my eyes shot to Ramira.

"If you touch her we will go to war!" Miles spoke in alpha tone his eyes deep yellow.

The Alpha seem to be focus on his daughter but was startled at the tone.

"Not this time The next time" I spoke staring at my future Queen/Luna.

She will be mine....


Thomas p.o.v

I saw William and my temper meter busted. I was mad, how dare he come here to find me and reclaim me as his side kick he was nothing to me now.

I got even more pissed when i say Maia's Mate.

"Maia are you ok?" he asked.

she didnt speak tears just flowed down her face.

Stupid bitch i could give him a peace of my mind.

"How fucking dare you speak to her after you left her with unmated Males you don't deserve her!! you a panthetic piece of shit! you have the most beautiful mate anyone could ask for and you reject her!! God your the dumbest beta i know! i dont want you fucking looking at her go back to the slut you rejected her for i can smell her all over you. You think shes just gonna run back in your arms she knows you dont love her but for some reason she still wants you because your her mate!!! You made her suffer so bad mating with other girls. You sorry bastard!! I will go through hell and high water to make sure that everyday you fucking live you will suffer so badly. im gonna make sure you feel her pain! You will regret ever looking at another woman!!!!" My words came out like Venom before i hit him had in his face. i heard a crack and he stumbles back to the ground holding his nose whuch blood poured from it.

I was mad as hell. William looked at me with a smirk.

"little brother don't tell me your on Miles side now your such a good side kick." he said calm and casual.

"Fuck you im on Miles side always was after i saw you kill our mother like i wasn't gonna find out! your a fucking murderer!! you killed your own mother you sick bastard all these years i pretended to play along but really i hate your fucking guts!! your a sick!!!!!"  i yell at him.

"well then if thats how you feel ok. just know i will have no mercy in taking your life just like i did our precious mother" William spoke and walked out vanishing.

"Daddy im not going back there ill be fine with Alpha Miles..." Maia said her voice was like music to my ears instantly calming me down.

"Ill be back in 2 weeks to check on you" with that her father and that piece of shit mate left.


I enjoyed cussing them out hehe tell me what you think!!!




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