Driving Home

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The last chapter of Heat was amazeballss!!!! Maia loves Thomas!!!! Which I didn't even see coming. Anyway the update for wattpad finally let u put pics up for the characters that's Thomas isn't he gorgeous!

Miles p.o.v

Ramira come out of the room you don't look like a slut!!"

After my and Ramira mated her body because more seductive which I didn't know was normal for a succabus or not.

"I do look like a slut and I'm not coming out till I have bigger longer clothes!!" She yelled back.

Ugh! Today was our last day of staying at this house and we bad to leave. I had mind linked the Pack beta and made him start the training for the wolves.

"Hey Miles I think I'm in love I love Maia!" Thomas said dancing around the room.

"Shut up! I'm trying to get Ramira to come out of the room!!" I say annoyed.

He just shrugged and started prancing around the house a reindeer.

"Baby please come out!" I stressed trying to unlock the door.


I gave up falling on the sofa.

Maia came out with some clothes we had gave her and sat in a chair.

"Do you want me to try?" Her small soft voice asked.

"Knock your self out" I sighed.

She got up walking to the room door giving a soft knock.

Thomas was outside in the car messing with my radio.

Not even 3 minutes later was Maia and Ramira going to the car and I followed.

How the hell did she do that!!

Ramira p.o.v

Maia got me to go to the car and Miles started driving up back home. It was already 8 pm after I noticed Miles dosing off I volunteered to drive.

I started driving down the dark road. I cut the brights on only seeing the trees on the side fly by. Staring ahead and looking in the review mirror to see a sleeping Maia cradled in Thomas's arms.

I turned my attention back to the road as I see a man standing inches from the car I slam on brakes staring into the familiar eyes I had once saw before.

I updateddd sorry its short I bet no one knows who the guy is




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