Chapter 1

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**Alana's P.O.V**

I can't believe its still raining. It's been raining for hours and I don't think it will stop anytime soon. Walking away from the window I made my way to the couch and switched on the tv. After channel searching for a while I switched the tv back off. I'm seriously bored out of my mind just sitting inside all day, I need to get out and so does my golden retriever Padma. I know she really needs to go out to relieve herself. Walking towards my living room closet I grab my rain coat, boots, and Padma's leash. Quickly throwing everything on I check my pockets to make sure I had my keys, I leashed Padma and headed out into the storm. As soon as we left the house we were soaked. I started to go back inside, but something caught Padma's attention and she took off running snatching her leash out of my hand in the process. "Padma, come back!" I screamed, hoping she would stop and turn around. Instead she just kept running down the road, with me running atleast a block behind. After a few more blocks I didn't see any sign of Padma, and I was getting worried. "Padma! Padma, where are you?!" I yelled while continuing to walk down the street. I knew I should turn around and go home because it was getting late, but I just couldn't leave Padma out here lost in this storm. After searching another hour, I decided to head home. I was crying now, because Padma was gone and I didn't know where she was. Padma was more than a pet to me, she was the only family I had left. Stopping at an alley entrance I called for Padma one last time, but didn't hear anything so I started to head home. Before I could even cross the street a car drove past into a huge puddle and splashed me with so much water that I screamed. I stood there so shocked about what had just happened that I didn't notice the car had stopped. "Hey, I'm so sorry about that. God look at you, you must be freezing. Would you like a ride?" asked the guy who got out of the car. I have been told many times not to get in the car with strangers, but hell I was upset, soaked, cold, and tired. I just wanted to go home. "It's ok, and yes I would like a ride." He smiled walking around his car to the passenger side opening the door for me. I thanked him once we both were seated inside the car. We were silent most of the ride to my house, other than me directing him. As we pulled up to my house, I thanked him again and started to get out of the car. "No problem, and I'm Dana by the way." he said with a smile. I felt silly realizing we never did exchange names before I just jumped in the car. "I'm Alana" I said blushing. "Well hopefully I'll see you again Alana." Dana said with a wink. I smiled and shut the car door, I walked to my porch and waved as he pulled off. There was something about him that gave me a funny feeling, but I shrugged it off thinking it was just my frazzled mind. Once I was inside I made sure every window and door was locked, then I headed upstairs and put on sweats and a t-shirt. I laid awake in my bed thinking of Padma, she was probably cold and alone lost waiting for me to find her. Tears started falling down my face, I felt to weak and drained to wipe them away. pulling the covers up and around me, my mind started to drift. Hopefully I'll find her before something happens to her. I love you too much to lose you Padma, I thought to myself as I looked out my bedroom window before I drifted off to sleep.

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