[think about posting] out of sight, out of mind

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Out of sight, out of mind.
What a philosophy, huh?
Poverty doesn't exist.
when you're rich.
Bullying doesn't exist.
when you're the bully.
Depression doesn't exist.
when you're fine.
Sexism doesn't exist.
when you're a man.
Racism doesn't exist.
when you're white.
Homophobia doesn't exist.
when you're straight.
Controversy doesn't exist.
when you're ignorant.
Ignorance is bliss I suppose.

Author's Note:
I know, I'm probably going to get some argument to this. "I'm white and I know racism exists" or "men can be victims of sexism too!" And yeah, I know. I know that you can be bullied even if you are a bully. I know that you can witness homophobia happening when you're straight. I'm saying that people need to open their eyes.

What I'm trying to say is that even if the problems in the world don't apply to you, that doesn't mean they don't exist.

just a lil' poetry #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now