Chapter 11: The Other House

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Years of the Trees

It had been a long time since all the children of Nolofinwë had gone on a trip together. This time they went to their parents' summer home in the middle of Yavanna's plains. Irissë insisted they all go. And this time, she invited Artanis along as well.

The two women chatted on horseback as they approached the home. Behind them, the three brothers laughed lightly, Aro teasing Finno about something from atop his massive black mare. As the company approached the large cottage, they dismounted together.

"Stable the horses and then come inside," ordered Irissë as she finished doing it for her own grey horse. "I have a surprise for you all."

Aro finished first and with youthful exuberance jogged into the house. He had to bend slightly to not hit the door frame, but it didn't deter him. Irisse shook her head in amusement from where she stood insidel. She directed him to his bedroom.

The first thing he saw was a note on the dresser across from his bed. He picked it up. It had been written by Irissë, her clear scrolling Tengwar easily recognizable.


I have a gift for you. Do you remember when you were first born, how I would tell you stories of the early days of the world. Mother and father taught them first to me, and then I to you. Stories of Valaraukar and flaming beasts, of the great victory of Eönwë on the fields of the Eastern Lands. We learned stories of Oromë and his great Hunt of the Orcs.

What story had always fascinated you most? I think it was Eönwë's final stand against Melkor himself before Oromë and Tulkas rescued him. And do you remember what he wielded? Not a bow, nor a spear.

But a sword.

With love,


Aro turned around, looking for whatever she had meant to give him. At last his gaze landed on his bed. Something sat wrapped in a silk cloth. The gift seemed at least three feet long, perhaps more. He gently unwrapped it.

A sword.

He marveled at it. The hilt and blade were crafted of a steel compound, and in the center of his crossguard, a teal and purple fluorite stone offered even more glittering glory. The blade had not been sharpened.

Carrying it carefully back into the massive main room, he found Irissë grinning. Her white dress had been replaced by a white riding outfit: pants and a long-sleeved shirt, with a skirt wrapping around the back but split up the middle. In her hand she held her own sword. It contained a purple and white tourmaline stone.

Finno came striding in. "Iri, where-"

"Hrávien," she replied immediately with a grin. "The Hunters decided to create them, and Hrávien shared the idea with me. I figured I would share it with you, and had these crafted by the Hunters' personal smith, Rusco's brother."

The eldest sibling held up his steel sword, marveling at his reflection in the steel blade. A small smile formed across his face. He felt the iridescent opaline moonstone crossguard gem carefully. "Magnificent."

Turvo and Artanis joined them as well. The former looked hesitant, holding his sword carefully and looking closely at the lapis lazuli accent piece. But then he glanced over at the others and saw their eagerness.

Artanis' eyes narrowed in excitement. Her sword had been crafted of steel also, with a honey-golden amber stone at the center. She smiled at Irisse, glad the woman had not forgotten her. She enjoyed sport as much as the next man.

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