Chapter 19: The Darkening

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A/N: And now... The continuation.

The absolute blackness that covered the holy mountain even put out the great fires of the hall. Eve couldn't see past her hand. An absolute, complete silence fell over Taniquetil, over Ilmarim, and to the ears of the Valar, over all of Aman save the sorrowing Falmari by the sea.

Someone moved in the hall, and moments later a great light shone forth from the outstretched hand of Queen Varda. She ignited the painted constellations above them, but shook her head. "These will not hold for long."

Oromë gathered up his hunters from those who were gathered. Manwë called his eagles. Together with them and Tulkas, The Hunter sped forth from the hall, blowing his Valaróma with all his strength. Then and only then did sound return to the hall. For at the great call of the horn of the Valar, panic spread.

"Melkor." Eve breathed his name silently, terrified that the devil would show his face. Eve grabbed Finno's hand, tears staining her cheeks. "Finno, it's Melkor." She could see the fear in his eyes as well.

Murmurs of Melkor's impending arrival wove through the great hall. No one knew what to do. Hearing Itarille's quiet cries, Eve knelt down next to her and Elenwë. Itaril's mother, her own cheeks stained with tears, hugged her child.

"It's going to be alright," Eve assured Itaril. "I promise." But she knew her words sounded hollow in the darkness around them.

"The Light of the Trees has passed away," Yavanna announced moments later, coming forth into the midst of the elves. She approached the House of Finwë. "It lives now only in the Silmarils of Fëanáro. Foresighted was he. Even for those who are mightiest under Iluvatar there is some work that they may accomplish once, and only once." She turned to Fëanáro. "Yet had I but a little of that light I could recall life to the Trees, before their roots decay; and then our hurt should be healed and the malice of Melkor be ruined."

Silence fell over the hall again. All eyes turned to Fëanáro, even as Manwë spoke to him. "Do you hear the words of Yavanna, Fëanáro son of Finwë? Will you grant what she would ask?"

Eve watched as Fëanáro stood in silence. She could all but see his mind working a million times over. He hesitated, which Eve found remarkable. He was actually considering their request. Perhaps the time in Formenos did him some good, she thought.

But Tulkas bitterly spoke in his contemplation. "Speak, Noldo, yea or nay. But who shall deny Yavanna? And did not the light of the Silmarils come from her work in the beginning?"

"Be not hasty!" cautioned Aulë immediately, "We ask a greater thing than you know. Let him have peace yet awhile."

But Fëanáro's eyes blazed in fury at Tulkas' words. He cried out with bitterness, "For the less even as for the greater there is some deed that he may accomplish only once! In this deed his heart shall rest."

The entire hall listened to his words carefully. Finno and Eve held hands tightly, her other hand in Elenwë's. Fëanáro stepped forward towards the Valar again.

"It may be that I can unlock my jewels, but never again shall I make their like." Then he paused, his voice breaking ever so slightly. "And if I must break them, I shall break my heart... and I shall be slain, first of all the Eldar in Aman."

"Not the first."

Eve watched as Fëanáro stood silent again. Her entire body shook from a mixture of sadness, fear, and cold. The Trees had radiated warmth, both physical and emotional. Melkor, the demon, he had returned and there was nothing they could do to stop it.

Bitterly she turned to Tulkas. She couldn't help but think that if the Vala had only shut his mouth and let Fëanáro think, the elf might've agreed to help. But instead Tulkas had squandered all hope of reigniting the trees.

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