Chapter 12: Familial Bonds

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Years of the Trees

"Why did you bring me down here?" Eve laughed lightly as Nelyo covered her eyes. He and Moryo had slowly led her down into their massive basement in Tirion. Now she stood at the bottom of their stairs with eyes closed and anticipation mounting. "Seriously, guys?"

"We've been working on a project for many years now," Nelyo explained. "And we decided it was time you saw it."

He uncovered her eyes and she blinked in the light of the raging fire. Before her, Moryo stood holding a sword. She gaped at it. The hilt had been crafted of tindalta metal, a metal she knew only Fëanáro and Curvo specialized in here.

"Here." Moryo handed over the sheathed blade. "It's yours."

Eve took it carefully before unsheathing it. To her surprise, it felt light in her hands. She marveled at the stone in the crossguard. A massive circular purple-pink crystal cut in thousands of ways glittered in the light of the fire. It seemed to dance like a flame itself.

Nelyo began to explain it. "It's a-"

"Sword," she finished. "I know what it is. We had them on earth, a long time before I was born. They're weapons."

"Yes," Moryo nodded. "For protection and for sport."

"This is the first time I've seen a sword in Valinor," asked Eve carefully. "It's wonderfully crafted. Who else has them?"

Nelyo paused. "Our family at the least. The Hunters of Oromë have presumably told their families. And we guess that both the House of Nolofinwë and the House of Arafinwë do as well." He tilted his head in thought. "So Finno has not told of these."

"No." Eve shook her head. "No he hasn't."

"Guess Findekáno isn't as truthful as he pretends," Moryo quipped as he polished his own sword. His had been made also of tindalta with a polished onyx stone in the hilt. "Shame."

But she shook her head "Maybe they don't have them."

"We are quite sure they do, though they refuse to admit it," Nelyo countered. "After all, we think Hrávien taught Irissë. And she definitely would've shown her brothers."

Eve stood silent for a minute. She felt sure that if Finno did have swords that he must've had a very good reason for keeping it a secret from her. They told each other everything. But she realized then that this was going to be a problem. She looked at her brothers and frowned. "I assume you want me to keep this a secret from him."

"Obviously," snorted Moryo.

Nelyo rolled his eyes at his brother. "Yes. Finno and his house are not like they used to be. They are secretive, distrustful of us-"

"Says you," bit back Eve in frustration. "All of you are like that now. You haven't gone on a trip with Finno in years, Nelyo. Why!"

The redhead glared and bristled, crossing his arms defiantly. He turned away from Eve and looked into the fire nearby. When he didn't respond, Eve continued.

"You are supposed to put on a good example," she ranted. "You, Káno too. You're just going to roll over and take this, these rumors and secrets? You're going to address them? Go talk to Finno, to Turvo. Go talk to Findo. I mean good grief!"

Nelyo grumbled angrily at her. "You think they will listen to me? No. Nolofinwë's house is as stubborn as our own. Maybe Findo would apologize, but Turvo?" He scoffed. "In what world do you live, Eve, thinking they will apologize?"

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