Chapter 15: Itarillë

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Years of the Trees

When Eve got word that Elenwë had given birth, she dropped the wine glass she'd been holding in her hurry to get her boots on. She didn't know where Finno had run off to. With her gift in hand, a small painting of a sunrise over Valmar, Elenwë's home, she hurried off towards the house of her best friend.

This of course wasn't the first baby born in the House of Finwë since she'd arrived. Angaráto and Eldalótë bore their son Artaresto two summers ago. But Eve had never been very close to them. With Elenwë, it was different.

Eve hurried down the road, not even stopping to enjoy the spring flowers that cropped up along the sides. Her own periwinkle dress dragged ever so slightly, gathering bits of dirt. She didn't care.

At last Turvo and Elenwë's house came into view. Amarië and Findo had clearly just arrived as well, walking their horses around to the backyard. Eve hurried forward and ran to the open front door. She grinned as she saw Finno there, and gave him a quick kiss.

"Girl or boy?" she asked her husband immediately.

"Girl," he replied with a smirk.

Eve pouted. "I owe you a dinner, then."

"Yes, yes you do."
Pushing past her husband, she went inside the house further and found Nolofinwë, Anairë, and Elenwë's parents there as well. In the middle upon a couch sat Elenwë and next to her, Turvo. In Turvo's arms lay a little baby girl.

"Her name is Itarillë," Finno whispered to her, grabbing her hand. "It is a good name. Her eyes sparkle already."

Eve grinned, hanging back. Amarië soon came and joined her, catching her first glimpse of the child and hugging Eve out of pure joy. Findo stood next to Finno in the doorway.

"What's her name?" Amarië asked Eve quietly.


Amarië grinned. "Beautiful."

Elenwë caught sight of them and gestured for them to come over as the parents left the room to give the cousins and friends space. Amarië hurried to her best friend's side and sat down next to her. Following right behind, Eve sat on the short table before them while Finno and Findo stood near Turvo.

"She's gorgeous," Eve said, her breath catching in her throat. This was her niece. She had a niece. She couldn't believe it. "Golden haired, just like her mother."

Small bits of blonde hair lay on the girl's head. Eve marveled that Itarille didn't cry or fuss. She merely stared up into Turvo's eyes and watched him carefully. Elenwë smiled at the baby and then at her husband.

"I think Turvo's a little disappointed it isn't a boy," Elenwë joked.

But he objected immediately. "No. Not at all. She's perfect."

A small smile formed on Eve's face as she watched Turvo with Itarillë. He was so clearly enamoured of the little person laying in his arms, cradling the child as if she was going to disappear at any moment.

"Careful Elenwë," teased Finno, "I think my brother might have just fallen in love with something more than you."

They all laughed except Turvo who tried to protest. He handed Itarillë over to his wife who caressed the baby's cheek. "She is perfect, isn't she."

"Absolutely," Amarië murmured, taking the baby's hand. "She's just like her mother. Beautiful, with a warm smile."

"Let's hope she gets some of her mother's sass too," joked Eve.

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