Chapter Four: Winning the First Challenge

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Later that same day, everyone was in the same places for the race as they were the other day. Even Blue, he figured it would make more sense to still stay close to the back, to avoid any suspicion. This also meant that H4des put himself back to where he was, when he and Blue first saw each other. 

"Back again so soon, Oh?" H4des spoke sarcastically. "Try not to lose your shit." Blue looked away from the Soldier Bolder, trying to keep the newfound information to himself. But this didn't mean that H4des didn't catch up. 

"You figured something out!" Blue still didn't say anything. "Blue, tell me!" A few seconds later, the race started, but H4des noticed that the cocky avatar had stayed behind on the starting line. He could've gone back, but all the vehicles kept him from doing so. 

Once all the other racers were gone, Blue opened the door and turned around. He hit the ignition and made it so Slushious started floating backwards, just like the clue said to do. The direction that it took him, was unbelievable. The tunnel took him underneath the entire track of the original race, causing him to watch as the opticles go by, but he wasn't able to feel any of it. Heck, the Bewilderbeast did its usual programming of beating the vehicles apart, and he didn't even have to feel or deal with it!

The tunnel soon came to an end, being able to get past a very ticked off giant dragon. It led Blue to the "park"'s square, where music played, as a form of congratulations for completing the first challenge. He did his own form of a happy dance before all the leaves on the ground from the trees surrounding him began to float. It all began to swirl and with it, turning into Alorak the All-Knowing! Blue stared in awe, a huge smile forming across his face. After all, he was being met by the avatar of his idol!

"Nice racing, Dragon rider," Alorak greeted the young avatar. "You're the first to finish!" He holds out his hand and a floating bronze key appears. It floats away from his hand and into Blue's palms. He couldn't believe his eyes. He has recieved the first key of the entire Alfor Altea contest!

"This is such an honor, Alorak!" Blue spoke very excitedly as he put the key away.

"The honor is all mine." Alorak smiled and pointed his direction towards a now floating cased rolled up piece of parchment. Blue ran to it and caught it, admiring the craftwork of the casing before taking a look at the new clue, which was now in his hands. The moment it did, the entire scoreboard cleared itself up, placing him in first place for the entire contest. 

This put BlueL1on's name on the map.


"Who is this BlueL1on and how the hell is he winning?" A member asked his boss.

Important people of the Galra "Empire" were holding a meeting after it was announced that someone was now on the scoreboard. Why they were meeting was to discuss on not only how to deal with it, but the plans for the OASIS itself. 

"Well, here's a better question," Zarkon spoke calmly. "Who cares?" To everyone at this meeting, it was clear that he didn't care at all, but in a sense, he did. Someone who wasn't them found a way to figure out the clue to winning the race, but he had to keep the company calm.

"Alfor's contest is important. I mean, it's nothing less than a war, for control of the future. But this BlueL1on? Not even clanned up, so there is really no need to worry at all. Besides, we have an army, while he's all alone."

"But yet, he is the one that has the first key," An executive interrupted. "Isn't that something to consider as well?" 

Zarkon just rolled his eyes and continued on. "Yeah, he's got a key, but you also have to get three of them, in order to win this contest. But the loyalty center rate is still at a 28% rate, Honerva?"

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