Chapter 13: First to the Egg!

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While driving down the street, Keith, Hunk and Pidge all noticed that there were hundreds of people just standing around, not doing anything, but with their OASIS goggles still pulled over their eyes. "What are they doing?" Pidge asks curiously, scratching her hair. Keith heard a beep come from her goggles, taking them out of her hand. What he saw inside them, was a little unbelievable.

"The final challenge, it's being broadcasted!" He showed his short friend.

Blue continued to play the game, basically announcing to the world about what Adventure was really about. You didn't even have to win the game to find the easter egg, it just meant that someone has to just enjoy wandering around and having fun with it. And once he finally brought the invisible dot to the end line, everything around him started to shake.

Soon enough, the icy fortress started melting and breaking apart all around him and once a giant icicle crashed onto the TV, all the broken ice formed to become Anorak as he rose in front of the Altean avatar. With the Crystal Key floating right above his hand, just like the other two keys had.

While everyone else focused on Lance, Hunk was still trying to stay clear from the Empire. "What's going on back there!" He calls from the front seat, not even turning around.

"BlueL1on just got the Crystal Key!" Keith yells back excitedly. Who knew that he would be able to witness someone finally being able to complete the contest after so long! But just as Blue was about to take it from Anorak, the van gets hit with very sudden impact from the right, which causes not just his friends, but Lance to fall over as well. Luckily he was all wired up still, but it didn't change that it still hurt. He got up again and reached out to the key again.

Hit with impact from the left side of the van again, only a lot harder than before. "Do you want it or not?" Anorak asks Blue, totally unaware of what was happening.

The van gets struck again, but from both sides at almost the same time. And Lance was understandably fed up with this. "Hunk, what the hell's going on!" He yells from the back of the van.

"Practicing my Mario Kart!" Hunk sarcastically yells back. "What do you think is happening, Galra's trying to kill us!" The striking stops long enough for Blue to finally get the key and a giant gate rises from the icy water.

An idea suddenly came to Lance and he knew that they needed backup. "For everyone watching from the Columbus Stacks, this is BlueL1on! My real name is Lance McClain and we're gonna need your help!" He announces to the entire OASIS. "Hunk, head for the stacks!" He immediately knew what his response was when they all felt a giant swerve around a corner.

Despite having very unstable balance at the moment, Blue started to put each key into their matching keyholes. The Copper and Jade keys go in pretty easily, but with the Crystal key, it becomes a little bit harder once Honerva and Zarkon both start bumping the van once more. All over, people were watching the livestream, watching as Blue tries desperately to get the key into the stupid hole. So, Lance gets the bright idea to hold onto his other arm to finally stick the damn thing in.

The gateway melts away and reveals a giant vault, with the egg glowing very brightly off of a golden-lined platform. Blue knew he should be happy to finally have gotten to the end, but he felt kinda unsatisfied. "That's it?" was all he said.

"That's it!" Anorak spoke confidently. "Now, you just sign these papers and the OASIS is all yours!" He gives Blue a bright gold pen as he sat down in front of important documents, it seemed like anyways. He hesitantly sits down, something didn't feel right.

That's when Honerva decided to strike. She jumps out of the Galra issued vehicle, blasting the locks to the van's back doors. Shiro and Matt immediately noticed this and worked together to fight against her. Matt kicks the gun out of her hands, sending it flying out of the doors. The older boyfriend quickly started to use his heavily trained skills against her, but it was his ginger-haired boyfriend that sent her out of the van with a giant punch to the face.

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