Chapter Seven: H4des?!

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"Call Mom!" Lance yelled frantically into his earpiece. "Dial Mom!" 

What the Cuban boy didn't realize was that there were small high tech helicopters already placing bombs around the apartment complex, meaning that there were only a few minutes before the whole place was going to blow! 

In the kitchen, Mrs. McClain's earpiece started to ring but before she got the chance to answer the call, her husband picked it up and placed it on his own ear. "The bodysuit's pretty awesome, thanks for that." Lance's dad spoke deeply.

"Dad! Dad, the place is gonna blow, you have to get out of there!" Lance yelled while continuing to run towards the complex. 

Mrs. McClain stood there in confusion, wondering who exactly her husband was talking to. "Is that Lance? Please, let me talk to him!" She begged from the kitchen. 

"Don't call here again, you got me?" Mr. McClain spoke in a low tone. "I don't ever wanna hear your voice again." And with that, Lance stopped the moment he saw fiery explosions go off, backing away somewhat so none of the small houses land on him. Everyone else ran as well, the entire neighborhood panicking, sirens being heard not long after. 

Lance walked into his trailer, and with a heavy heart, he picked up his goggles. With a sigh and a wipe of a tear, he spoke. "Contact Chef, Paladin, Rover and H4des. Guys, the Galra came for me in the real world, and it's likely that they'll be coming after you guys too so-" Lance got cut off the moment hands covered with his mouth and not long after he blacked out. 


When he woke up, someone pulled a blindfold off of his eyes, someone with a long braid that wrapped over his shoulder and gave him a very blank stare. Lance breathed heavily, but he had no clue as to where he was, which was freaking him out a little. The person reached over and used a interesting looking knife and cut off the rope that was tied around his wrists.

"Sorry about the blindfold," A guy who was only a few feet away spoke up. "The Blades are a little paranoid and they never listen to me." Lance's eyes grew wide, he knew that voice.

"Wait, say that again." 

"The Blades are a little paranoid and they never listen to me." The guy with a mullet spoke again, with an eyeroll added in for good measure. 

Yep, this was he thought it was. "Hey there, H4des, broken anyone else's hearts lately?" Lance looked away from him, still a little salty about getting rejected. 

"My real name is Keith, but yeah I'm H4des and no I haven't," When he spoke again, it sounded a little more sympathetic. The other teen took a closer look at Keith, and it appears that he was using his somewhat long hair to cover a certain half of his face. "Showers are that way, clean clothes too. Welcome to the Colition, Lance and might I say, it's nice to put a face to the username." 

About 25 minutes later, the little shorter boy takes a now cleaned up Lance through a greenhouse, which led to a balcony. The area wasn't that far from the Galra building, which meant something important, at least to Lance.

"We've been living this close to each other the whole time?" Lance asked, when he joined Keith at the edge. The pale-skinned boy noticed this and moved away from him.

"Next door, around the world, it's all the same in the OASIS...." A breeze comes upon them, causing some of Keith's hair to blow off his face, revealing not only an eyebrow piercing, but a long scar that goes up to almost his eye. Man, Lance could get lost in his violet eyes for-not now gay thoughts!

And of course, he was acting a little awkward, since this was H4des and he's been interested in him for the longest time. "You know, I'm not disappointed," Keith arched his eyebrow at the Cuban boy. "You said before that I'd be disappointed if I met you in real life and there's no way I could be disappointed when it comes to you. It's cheesy, I know, but you're still the same H4des that I know." He could feel his face becoming a little warm, but he just had to say it.

"I've had this scar for a long time, Lance, I got it when trying to get away from the Galra when they took my father away from me, and as you can see, I managed to make it outta there but the damage had already been done," Keith looked away. "So you don't have to pretend." Lance followed behind him, watching as the older boy sat down on a nearby lawn chair. 

He stood in front of Keith, carefully pulling his jet-black hair out of his face, that way he could see the scar better. "You have a scar, so what? You're still you, no matter what." He flashed him a small smile, but Keith just continued to look sad. 

"My mom used to work for Galra, abandoning me and leaving my dad to try and clear up his debt," He spoke quietly. "I know her now, and I love her, even while still having a small grudge towards her. I just didn't want to risk getting close to you at the fear that you'll leave me too, just like both my parents did." 

Lance placed a hand on the paler boy's chin, as a way to be comforting. "I might not understand your trust issues, but I'll still be here, even if it's just as your friend."

"I thought you'd be angrier with me after what I did to you," Keith looked up at him. "But, Blue, I just want you to know I'm sorry for hurting you." 

After hearing him call Lance by his username, he took his hand off of the other boy's chin. "I think you just called me Blue, Mullet." Lance teases. 

"First of all, it's not a mullet, second of all I didn't mean to." He folded his arms grumpily, but it was hard not to keep a straight face when Lance was looking so cute.

"It is a mullet, but you can call me Lance, Blue, Loverboy Lance, Lancey Lance, etc.," The flirty boy sat down next to him. "I'm all for nicknames, H4des." Keith smiled while rolling his eyes, which probably meant he didn't want Lance calling him that.

"I'd rather you call me Keith, I maybe dark and broody," Keith playfully smiled. "But I ain't handling the dead." This caused both boys to laugh, and hearing his laugh while now knowing him for real, it was like the most beautiful music to Lance's ears. 

When they eventually stopped, the pink-dusted boys look away from each other and look around them. It seemed so much calmer in this area then where Lance lived at, and it was honestly better. "You know, the wind, the people, everything," He paused to look into Keith's violet eyes once more. "It's just, really nice." The tan boy gave him a genuine smile, which was honestly making it very difficult for Keith. Seriously, he was going to die from the vibes that he was giving off. 

Anyways, Lance notices Keith starting to inch closer to him. He never really understood how he felt about him, but like he was going to pass up this oppurtunity. Lance starts to lean in as well, they start to get closer and closer until.....Keith backs away with a loud gasp.

"I just figured it out! The second clue, I know what it means!" The pale boy gets up and runs back inside. Lance was confused, but he followed, not far behind. Once he got in there, Keith seemed to be putting on OASIS gear, and he honestly looked kinda hot in the vest. But he seemed to be on some sort of podium.

"We've been thinking about it too literally!" Keith spoke while the other guys helped him put it all on. "The leap not taken. The leap that Alfor didn't take, is with Luna." Keith pulls over the recoginiton scanner.

"Yeah, but...I mean, he blamed her for breaking up him and Coran." Lance awkwardly rubs his neck.

With a chuckle, Keith kneeled down closer. "No, Alfor was madly in love with her. He had a chance with Luna, had a chance to kiss her, but--" Keith motioned for Lance to finish his sentence. 

"But he didn't take the leap!" Lance jumps with realization, Keith smirking, since the Cuban had finally caught up. 

"Right!" Keith snaps before pulling his goggles onto his forehead. "So that's where we go next!" 

"Where the leap wasn't taken...." Lance gripped his forehead, trying to remember. "Where the date was!" Keith chuckled, and signalled the Blades to help Lance put all of his gear on. 

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