Section 1 Chapter 8

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Bumblebee, Sam and Mikaela had finally caught up to us. We drive down the highway with the Decepticons casing up. The one known as Bonecrusher according to Ratchet was throwing cars aside. I grab the mic quickly. "Y/N radioing in. Heads up everyone Decepticons are hot on our trail!"

"On it!" I heard Optimus, Ironhide, and Jazz say at the same time. Ratchet has made his hologram form disappear in case he was to transform. I watch Optimus slam of his breaks and quickly transformers after Bonecrusher had transformed. Optimus goes after Bonecrusher knocking them both off the elevated highway.

Ratchet keeps driving reaching the city. I look up to the sky to see an F-22 fly over us. We stop and I get out of Ratchet's vehicle form. I run over to the other side of Bumblebee and ingulfs Sam in a hug. He hugs me tightly back. I look up at Mikaela and pulls her into the hug as well. I let go of them and looks around us staying as close to Sam as possible.

Ironhide transforms after looking up in the sky. "It's Starscream! Back up! Take cover! Bumblebee!" He yells. Bumblebee transforms and goes to help Ironhide.

Sam grabs my arms takes off running to take cover. An explosion hits causing everyone to get tossed. I hit the ground and slowly opens my eyes. I look up to see I was close to Bumblebee who now had no legs. I quickly get up ignoring the pain in my side I felt. "Sam!" I scream. He slowly gets up off the ground with Mikaela. "Help Bumblebee!" I take off running down the street grabbing a gun off the ground. I run in the direction of Ratchet and Jazz to attempt to help. I get there in time to watch them pull apart a Decepticon. Ratchet looks over at me until he looks over towards a noise down another road

"It's Megatron! Retreat! Move! Fall Back!" Ratchet yells.

I move out of sight and press my back against the building holding the gun close to me. I watch as Megatron shoots at Jazz causing him to fall to the ground. I take off running down the street. I look up to see the F-22, known as Megatron, fly over my head holding Jazz. I watch him land at the top of a building nearby and transform. I watch Jazz shoot Megatron until Jazz was ripped in half. I scream at the top of my lungs causing Megatron to turn his attention toward me. I raise the gun up aiming to aim it at Megatron. My hands shook violently. I took my attention towards the shooting down the street and notices Sam running with the cube. I look back at Megatron who was watching me curiously. I lower my gun and watches him. Instead of shooting I slowly walked away until I was out of sight. I quickly take off running towards Sam catching up with him.

Sam looks at me and keeps running, "We gotta get to the top of that white building with the statues on top"

I nod and keeps running. I hold the gun tightly in my hands in case I need it. I keep a close watch of our surroundings. I look behind us to see that Optimus had finally shown up and was taking on Megatron. I look over to see Ratchet and Ironhide running with us

"Keep moving, Sam! Y/N stay with him make sure he gets to the building" Ironhide says to us. "Don't Stop!"

Sam and I keep running until Megatron flies towards us and transformers causes Sam to skid and try to turn around. Megatron starts to shoot causing both Sam and I to drop to the ground. Sam pulls me against the nearest car to stay out of sight. Ratchet and Ironhide quickly run over to help us out. Megatron soon transforms and flies off.

"Sam Y/N, get to the building!" Ironhide says quickly to us.

Sam and I get up and take off running towards the building. As we are running Megatron transforms behind us and runs after us. "Give me the cube, boy" Megatron yells towards Sam. Sam picks up speed slightly. As he runs across the street a car hits Sam causing him to fall to the ground. The cube hits the ground sending out an electric wave causing electronic machines nearby to come to life. I grab the cube off the ground and pulls Sam to his feet. Sam and I take off running again. I quickly hand him the cube. Sam and I reach the building and run inside.

"You're not gonna get us. You're not gonna get us!" Sam mumbles as we run to the other side of the building.

Megatron bursts through the window and yells, "I smell you two!"

I look at Sam and pushes him towards the staircase. "Go! I'll distract him!" I yell quietly. Sam gives me a quick hug before running up the steps. I move away from the stairwell and cocks the gun. I aim it at Megatron shooting him in the head not really doing much damage. He turns his attention to me. I quickly cock the gun again and aims it at him once again. I quickly shoot him again.

He quickly leans towards me, "This isn't your fight!" He growls before knocking the gun out of my hands before turning his attention to the floor above him. Megatron quickly busts through the floor.

Why didn't he kill me?

(934 Words)


Hope everyone who celebrates thanksgiving had a wonderful day!
Short chapter I know. I didn't plan for this chapter to be short. This chapter was originally the beginning part if the next chapter but I split it in half cause I felt like it. Please don't hate me... I know I killed Jazz in this chapter. I'm trying to keep it almost exactly how the movies are. I hope you guys understand. Oh and what do you guys think is going on with Megaton? Why didn't he kill Y/N?

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