Section 5 Chapter 6

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Optimus... Where are you... Are you alright? I can feel small pangs as though your being electrocuted... I hope you are alright. Please come... I scream in pain as my head started to pound. My heart felt as though it was being ripped out of my chest. We had just gotten out of the plane at our destination when the pain started. I drop down onto the cool grass. Cade quickly drops down next to me pulling me against him. Tears run down my face as I clench my chest.

Cade looks up at Bee worriedly, "What's going on?"

"Connection... Severed..." Bee explains.

The pain goes away suddenly. I stare at the ground blankly feeling completely broken. My connection with Optimus was severed. Cade helps me off the ground holding me tightly. We walk slowly following Cogman who occasionally would look at me worried.

Eventually we reach a castle like building. An older gentleman walking around the building. Suddenly a gun was fired at us causing all of us to jump.

"Hello there!" The older gentleman yells towards us as we walk closer.

"What the hell?" Bee says to the older gentleman.

I stare down at the ground as the older gentleman rambles on about transformer dementia. I tighten my hold on Cade who continued to hold me tightly.

"I don't know what you're smoking in that pipe, man, but... What's going on here?" Cade asks. "Did you drag us to some transformer retirement home? Look, somebody better start talking, or we're outta here."

"Okay" The older gentleman says before looking up at Bee. "Bumblebee? We only met when I was a little boy in short pants. I must have been that tall. Maybe taller. Or maybe shorter, I can't remember. But never forget a face."

"Bee, you this guy?" Cade asks.

"I don't fuck with you" Bee says using a song on the radio.

The gentleman looks at me curiously, "Is she alright?"

"Does she look like she's alright?" Cade says irritated

"Right. Let's have a look at this thing." He says looking at the talisman attached to Cade's arm. "Please. Very interesting. Yes. You keep a secret for so long, knowing it to be true, and yet, deep down inside, you begin to wonder, 'has my life been wasted?' Have you ever felt like that, Mr. Cade?"

"It's just Cade." Cade says getting more annoyed. "Look, old timer, I don't have a ton of Patience for riddles right now."

"Yes, but you want to know, don't you, 'dude,' why they keep coming here. To earth. Right?" The old gentleman says as the sound off a fast car got closer. "I do love perfect timing" We watch as a very nice Lamborghini Centenario LP770-4 pulls up the driveway. "What a bitching car she is"

The Lamborghini transforms dropping a women onto the ground. My grip loosens on Cade as I watch her run off. I watch as he tries to fight the transformer. I quickly take off after them letting go of Cade. I run after them at least to help so she doesn't get hurt. I get close to the transformer just in time to watch her roll down the hill.

"Good going." I say to the transformer

Time Skip

Cade pulls me onto the arm of the chair he was sitting in allowing him to rub my back gently. I was till torn from the pain I felt earlier when my connection with Optimus severed. All I could do was feel numb and empty. I listen to the older gentleman talk.

"My name is Edmond Burton, 12th Earl of Folgan." He says introducing himself. "Last surviving member of the order of the Witwiccans."

The lady from earlier walked in. She looked at Cade and I before sitting down on one of the sofas in the room. I watch as she looks over at the transformer who brought her here as he peered through the window.

"Does he have to loom like that?" She asks

The transformer tried to introduce himself but due to his thick French accent no one could understand him. I eventually got tired of listening to them talk and got off the arm of Cade's chair to walk around the room a bit. I look over at everyone once I here Edmond say introductions.

"Miss Vivian Wembly. Master of History, Oxford" Edmond says pointing to Vivian. "Doctor of philosophy, also Oxford. And doctor of letters, again Oxford, I think. Anything else?" He points to Cade. "Anyway, meet Cade."

"Yeager. Cade Yeager. I'm an inventor." Cade says introducing himself.

I walk over to them putting my hands on the back of the chair Cade was in.

"Oh, you're an inventor." Vivian says.

"Yes, I am." Cade replies.

"What have you invented?" She asks causing me to giggle slightly earning a glare from Cade.

"A lot of things."


"Like a lot of things. Like... Things that you've heard of." Cade continues to argue with her.
"Like?" Vivian questions again.
"Well, things that you will have heard of, okay? Patents are pending." Cade answers

"Ah." She says.

"Don't say that. What's "ah?" You know, I could do that, too. 'I'm English, and I'm too cool for feelings.' What, I've come here to be insulted by some over-educated ivory-tower Princess in a stripper dress?" Cade says irritated.
"Well, only in America is a finer education an insult. And if my dress makes you feel uncomfortable, then maybe I could take it off." She says causing me to snort slightly as I try to keep my laughter in which causes her to smile at me slightly.

"Okay" Cade says in which I thunk him on the back of the head for.

"And who are you?" She asks looking up at me.

"Y/N Witwicky but I go by Y/N Yeager. First Humanoid Transformer" I answer her as my eyes flash blue before Cogman knocks the chair Cade was in from the comment he made towards Vivian earlier. I quickly pry Cogman off of Cade. "Enough!" I yell at him my voice echoing through the room.

"Control, Cogman. You must learn to control that impulse. Channel it into other things" Edmond says towards Cogman.

"Yes, my lord." Cogman answers. "Like making beds or cooking food. Polishing the silver. I am trying, my lord." He picks the chair back up with Cade still in it before hitting himself. I quickly try to stop him so he doesn't hurt himself. I give him a small smile allowing him to get lost in my blue optics as I hold his fists calming himself down. Once he was calm I let his fists go and my eyes fade back into it's normal e/c. "Good" Cogman says causing me to chuckle slightly.

(1136 words)
Hey everyone!
I hope everyone had an amazing week!
I am in the process of moving so my next update might take a bit. I also start my last year of college in a week. A lot has been happening but i am determined to finish this section. We are about way through the movie!
Once this movie is done I will be starting a Bumblebee x Reader based on the Bumblebee movie. If you have any recommendations on x readers based on movies or not based in movies that I should do, feel free to comment them. I am working on a few x reader books that aren't based on movies as well. You can see all the books im working on on my page.
~ Brooke ❤️

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