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I felt way worse than I was putting on.

My head felt like it was being crushed and my ears had a piercing pain in them. I skipped brushing my teeth or washing my face.

I didn't actually want to stretch out, I wanted to curl up into a ball and get out of their way.

It seemed impossible to relax when my head was like this but I'd had all the medicine I could have. Oh well. I sucked it up.

Duke came in and jumped onto the bed, cuddling up to the side of me. Warmth radiated off him and I smiled. I'd always wanted a dog but no one was ever home to look after it and I was always in hospital anyway- it sucked.

Everything sucked.

I had to go back to my brother's house tomorrow and see him, even though I felt really rubbish. He'd make me go to school so that I could get out the house and away from him.

Pushing the thoughts away, I went to sleep. It wasn't hard since I was exhausted despite feeling terrible.

I woke up to dozens of texts from Jack, all telling me one thing.

Get home. Now.

I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut. The room was spinning and my eyes were weights. My brother was insane; it was too early for this. I'd not even had chance to spend time with everyone properly because I'd been sick. They'd actually made me feel better.

"Ashton," I called out.


"My brother wants me back home,"

I heard him get up. Why did I have to go back now? If I could convince him to let me go to Tom's then maybe I wouldn't have to go back home until later.

"You really shouldn't be leaving. I was actually hoping you could stay a few more days," he sighed- I also took a deep breath and sighed.

"If I really have to go, I'm gonna at least try and spend the day at Tom's. He will just let me sleep and make sure I'm ok,"

"We don't want to give him the flu though,"

"He had the flu jab. He had it with me because I'm always round him," I stated. Ashton felt my pulse and temperature before taking my phone and leaving.

Bit sudden.

I could hear him speaking tensely yet he seemed to be getting no where. Michael joined in too but when they came back I could already tell it was bad news.

He let me have my phone back and told me to text Tom- I knew he'd say yes.

"Well we don't have to go yet, are you well enough to have a bath or shower?" Ashton asked.

"I can have a shower," I mumbled.

"You really shouldn't be going back... text me if it gets really bad and we will get you admitted to hospital, or put under our care while you're sick," Michael muttered. Ashton carefully sat me up, catching me as I flopped.

"Deep breaths," he reminded.

I wanted to cry but I'd done that too much already. Clutching onto Ashton's wrist, I stood up and waited for my head to stop spinning.

"Ok, you go and have a shower while I call his mum and make sure it's all ok,"


"It was so much quieter this week without Emily with us at lunch," Jake said.

"I know... I hope everything's ok,"

He'd come over for the day since we were busy for the next week with school. I heard mum talking on my phone; I tried to listen but my younger sister started blabbering about her new toy. I loved her to bits, but she didn't help when trying to eavesdrop.

"Hey boys, is it alright if Emily comes over? She's really sick so she will probably just want to sleep but... well it's a long story,"

"Yes," I said, a little too quickly. I hadn't properly seen her all week and it wasn't the same. Mum smiled and nodded before leaving to start making us lunch.

We played on the Xbox for a while, talking and screaming before I heard a knock on the door. I jumped off the sofa and ran to the hallway where mum had opened the door. She stepped into our drive and talked to Luke so I slipped some shoes on and ran to the car.

"Hey, haven't seen you for a while!" Ashton said cheerfully. I hugged him tightly and he ruffled my hair. Although he was Emily's doctor , I'd spent a lot of time with him while visiting Emily. He looked after me whenever I needed. Just like Emily's mum.

My family was her family. Her family was my family. It always had been that way, and always would be. However, while Emily was cooped up in the hospital, I was staying far from it. It broke me to see her so upset and her mum so sick.

"Her brother wanted her back home this morning but she is too ill to go back to that house. She knew if she came here, it'd be at least a few more hours rest and her brother wouldn't mind," he sighed, scratching his head.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked.

"Flu so just be careful okay? Also she shouldn't be at school tomorrow but if she is then you have my number. You should text me more anyway, I'm always there to talk to,"

I nodded and peered into the back of the car. She laid there in a fluffy cover looking miserable. Mum was still talking to Luke so I quickly slid into the car beside her. Before I could even speak, her arms were thrown round me.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"For what? Also Jake is here but we can stay out of your way,"

"I ignored you all week and no, it's fine. I just feel all down in the dumps,"

"You have a lot to process, I just wish you wanted to talk to me but it's ok. I'm not mad," I assured.


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