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Ashton took me back, letting me lay on the sofa . Everyone else was at work so he laid with me, cuddling me close to his chest.

I changed into a vest top and Tom turned the air-con on, leaving us alone.

"Can't you stay another week?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"I've got to go back home, but I'll see what I can do,"

"That won't be soon enough. Ashton, after you're gone... after you're gone, I don't think I'll see you again,"

"Hey, Hey... don't think like that. You're here to start something new, you will be seeing us all again,"

For the rest of the week, we mostly stayed at home. Tom was surprisingly competitive when it came to board games and I got a lot more chatty. I perked up around them because this was my family.

We watched films, did terrible karaoke, baked cookies and cakes until the cupboards were empty.

But it made saying goodbye even harder.

I'd said goodbye too much lately.

"I don't want you to go," I sobbed into Tom's shoulder, gripping him tightly.

"Me neither. I'll see you again soon, I love you so, so much. Call me whenever you need, I'll fly out whenever I can. We will see each other sooner than you think,"

I nodded and he planted a small kiss on my cheek, making me wipe it off.

"Ewwwwww," I laughed, making him roll his eyes. Not caring, he kissed my cheek, leaving the house.

I hugged Ash in silence.

"I'll see you again soon. I love you,"

"I love you both. Thankyou," I said, pulling him in and hugging one last time. I watched as they climbed in the car, about to be ripped apart again.


A huge weight got pushed onto my shoulders as soon as they left. The boys tried hard to comfort me but nothing seemed to be working.

"Can I call Michael?" I asked Harry, sitting up from his hug.

"You don't have to ask darling, we'll call you when tea is ready,"

I went through to my room, calling him on the way. He didn't pick up the phone so I Skyped him on the TV instead.

"Hey Emily, what's up?"

"I just wanted to talk to you," I shrugged, crawling under my covers.

"Anything in particular?"

"Just feeling a bit rubbish. I have one more round of chemo tomorrow and they just left. I miss you,"

"We're all going to try and come out soon, ok? You've done the chemo so many times Emily, I know you can do this last one,"

I nodded and sighed.

"Is Duke there?" I asked, hearing a faint yes. Calum ran into the frame, holding Duke up to the camera. He barked and ran round in circles.

"Wow, he's excited to see you,"

"What can I say,"

"Can you guys come out soon, with Luke?"

"We're working on it,"

Luke came through to the living room, dropping his bag and excitedly running over.

"How's my favourite person ever?"

"Could be worse,"

"Not worse than your hoodie, where did you even get that from?" he asked, grimacing.

"Hey, Ashton chose it for me. It's supposed to be ugly," I laughed.

"Emily! Food!" Niall called, making me frown.

"If I don't talk to you before tomorrow, good luck," Luke said, sending me a thumbs up.

"I love you guys. Make sure Ash and Tom are ok,"

"We will do, bye," Michael said, all of them waving. They ended it for me and I crawled out of bed, heading to the table.

"How are you feeling?" Liam asked, resting his hand on my back. I shrugged and bit my lip.

"I'll be ok,"

He nodded and pulled out my chair for me, pretending to pull it all the way out as I sat down. I stuck my tongue out at him and turned back to the meal.

"Don't bother getting dressed in the morning Emily, you'll change into a gown anyway," Louis said.

"I know it's rubbish that they had to leave, but know that they're welcome back and will come back as soon as they can. It's expensive," Harry said, smiling slightly. I nodded and looked down; I didn't want the attention.

We finished dinner, Niall letting me help clean up with him.

"I know you're nervous for tomorrow,"- "I'm not,"

He looked at me and sighed, putting the last plate in the dishwasher.

I was nervous.

"There's nothing wrong with being nervous,"

"I'm not," I repeated, bumping into Harry as I went to leave.

"Careful... what are you two arguing about?" he chuckled, helping me balance again.

"Nothing," Niall smiled, causing Harry to raise his eyebrows.

"Alright then, you two can go to the shop and re-stock the cupboards. I never knew three people could bake so much," Harry grumbled. I grinned and shrugged, heading to put my shoes on.


I pushed the trolley down the isle, hopping on as I headed towards Niall. He caught it before I crashed into the shelf, laughing lightly.

"We don't need any more destruction,"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I sighed, putting flour in the trolley. He playfully rolled his eyes and grabbed more baking soda and sugar.

"Why didn't you tell Harry that we were arguing?" I asked, letting him take the trolley.

"Because he'd want you to talk. Look, you know you're nervous but if you don't want to talk about it then I have to respect that,"


"Is there anything I could do to help?"

"Not really. If you sat and hugged me tomorrow I would appreciate it though,"

"Of course. Have we got everything? Harry will tell me off for getting you home to late," he groaned, checking the list.

"It'll do," I laughed, stealing the trolley and walking ahead.

"Oi! Bring it back," he laughed, jogging up behind me.

"Only if you promise you won't leave me tomorrow,"

"I promise,"

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